UK far right trouble July/August 24

I've tried to stay away from Twitter the last few days but had a quick look earlier. There was a ding dong between two people I know, both of whom I'd happily have a pint with, but who were, let's say, on opposite sides of the debate.

One was defending the rioters on the ground that "people were angry". My feelings on hearing the awful news were shock and great sadness, as I'm sure they were for many. But I didn't shout and scream attheTV, let alone wreck my house, or go out and attack someone or something.

So what is it that people are "angry" about? Were they "angry" when they heard about John Hunt's wife and daughters being brutally murdered? I don't recall anger, vigils and riots over that. Or any other incidents involving the deaths of children via neglect or violence.

I've heard people say "The government should do something" or "their country let them down". Do they want everyone to have personal protection, or a couple of coppers permanently stationed on every street corner?

Given that the person charged came from a seemingly devout Christian family, are they now going to start attacking churches?

I think I know the answer but I'll ask the question again, which is what exactly are they angry about?
Personally i felt a great saddness that 3 little girls had been brutally murdered and the mind numbing grief people related and who know them must feel, had I been there l think I would have been angry very fuckin angry but not towards the police or the local Mosque.
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Personally i felt a great saddness that 3 little girls had been brutally murdered and the mind numbing grief people related and who know them must feel, had I been there l think I would have been angry very fuckin angry but not towards the police or the local Mosque.
I was angry that three young girls were robbed of their lives and three families have been torn irreparably apart by some repulsive fuck. It's honestly hit me deep this. But I didn't snort a line of Colombian and go out and launch bricks at the local police force, nor did anyone I know, because they're all decent people. As others have rightly pointed out, there were no riots in the aftermath of those two sisters and her mother being murdered by a white ex-soldier. I also remember a white man going on a killing spree with a shotgun in Portsmouth a few years back; again, not a peep. Their MO should be obvious to everyone by now.
No matter what anyone does, what any one says, whatever side of the fence you sit on... No matter you want to say. Nothing changes the atrocities of those girls lives been taken that's all that matters... In comparison...the riots, the criminal damage, the assault, the racism... Nothing
No matter what anyone does, what any one says, whatever side of the fence you sit on... No matter you want to say. Nothing changes the atrocities of those girls lives been taken that's all that matters... In comparison...the riots, the criminal damage, the assault, the racism... Nothing
Sad isn’t the word for it
I was angry that three young girls were robbed of their lives and three families have been torn irreparably apart by some repulsive fuck. It's honestly hit me deep this. But I didn't snort a line of Colombian and go out and launch bricks at the local police force, nor did anyone I know, because they're all decent people. As others have rightly pointed out, there were no riots in the aftermath of those two sisters and her mother being murdered by a white ex-soldier. I also remember a white man going on a killing spree with a shotgun in Portsmouth a few years back; again, not a peep. Their MO should be obvious to everyone by now.
Not the justify any murder, I think murderers like that should by strung up not for vengeance but to remove them from society like you would a mad dog, but this being basically the murder of 3 baby girls is what makes it a hugely different i await his reasons for doing what he did if we ever find out :-(
Not the justify any murder, I think murderers like that should by strung up not for vengeance but to remove them from society like you would a mad dog, but this being basically the murder of 3 baby girls is what makes it a hugely different i await his reasons for doing what he did if we ever find out :-(
It's beyond words. I honestly can't stop thinking about those poor girls and their families :( when I was young I went to Southport regularly with my mum and brothers; maybe that's why it's affecting me the way it is. There are no reasons, there can never be reasons for doing what he did. It's just an irredeemably evil act and I hope he's handed a whole life order.

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