UK far right trouble July/August 24

Put the army on the streets and fucking paste the cunts.

Ordinary men and women who work hard and obey the law are sick to fucking death of idiots in this country.
What has happened to our policing methods and tactics with rioting thugs? Is there not a planned multi-force response to control these small scale and highly predictable incidents? Kneeling passively behind plastic shields and retreating while being bricked and burnt by this scum would surely not be seen in any other country.
Sorry, this is nonsense. Their country was invaded by a much larger armed force than their own.
The Germans had a superior Navy, the Norwegains lost both their coastal defence ships in the defence of Narvik. In fact they lost nearly their entire navy defending their country.

The battles arround Narvik raged for three months. As a side note, Wiki Warburton Lee is you want a definition of sheer bravery.

Polish, French and British forces fought alongside the Norwegians, and the allies were gaining the upper hand until the Germans invaded France and the Brits and French suddenly pulled all their troops out. Leaving the Norwegians to their fate. Despite this they continued to resist the occupation of their country, helping the Allies destroy German shipping and most famously destroyed the German heavy water plant that was critical in the German atomic bomb programe.

I know this, as I am a bit of war history nerd and spent some time in Norway and Narvik earlier this year.
What has happened to our policing methods and tactics with rioting thugs? Is there not a planned multi-force response to control these small scale and highly predictable incidents?
Police probably wary due to the likelihood of unfavourably editted footage ending up on social media and the fact that many of these rw mobs are trying to draw a heavy response so they can be 'patriotic martyrs'
Nothing? Knuckle draggers hijack the grief of a community to launch and attack on a place of worship for a religion completely unrelated to those awful murders and then they turn on the Forces of law and order and you see that as nothing?
Compared to what happened, no
... I can't even believe what you're saying
David, the wind blows
The wind blows
Bits of your life away
Your friends all say
Where is our boy?
Ah, we've lost our boy
But they should know
Where you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
That you're going to
Oh, you're going to
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
England for the English (England for the English)
David, the wind's blown
The wind's blown
All of my dreams away
And I still say
Where is our boy?
Ah, we've lost our boy
But I should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the National, oh
To the National
There's a country, you don't live there
But one day you would like to
And if you show them what you're made of
Oh, then you might do
But David, we wonder
We wonder if the thunder
Is ever really gonna begin, begin, begin
Your mom says
I've lost my boy
But she should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the National
To the National
To the National Front disco
Because you want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
When you've settled the score
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Oh, the National
Some of the reporting is scandalously disingenuous. Not sure how much it’s down to Plod or the press. Three examples from this episode alone.

When first reported, they rushed out that the suspect was “born in Cardiff”. Hahaha. WTF’s that got to do with the price of fish? It’s as relevant as “went to school in Mablethorpe” and is a cynical ploy to disguise perpetrators’ real ethnic and/or religious origins They hope most people will be too thick to twig. Unfortunately many of the thicker ones among us were rightly suspicious and made up their own damaging narrative.

Exhibit two: “not a terrorist act”. Hmmm. Before any investigation?

Third, we are treated to a photo of the suspect as an angelic schoolboy and hear he was sometimes too timid to leave the house. FFS. The guy taxied across town specifically to hack kids to pieces (allegedly).

It’s no excuse for disturbances, which were singularly badly timed as well as moronic. However, can’t these over-woke boneheads see that they themselves fan the flames of societal and political alienation - not just here but in the USA and parts of Europe?
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