UK far right trouble July/August 24

Some of the reporting is scandalously disingenuous. Not sure how much it’s down to Plod or the press. Three examples.

When first reported, they rushed out that the suspect was “born in Cardiff”. Hahaha. WTF’s that got to do with the price of fish? It’s as relevant as “went to school in Mablethorpe” and is a cynical ploy to disguise perpetrators’ real ethnic and/or religious origins They hope most people will be too thick to twig. Unfortunately many of the thicker ones among us were rightly suspicious and made up their own damaging narrative.

Second, example: “not a terrorist act”.

Third, we see a photo of the suspect as an angelic schoolboy and hear he was sometimes afraid to leave the house. The guy got a taxi specifically to hack kids to pieces (allegedly).

It’s no excuse for disturbances, which were singularly badly timed as well as moronic. However, can’t these over-woke boneheads see that they themselves fan the flames of societal and political alienation - not just here but in the USA and parts of Europe?

Some of the reporting is scandalously disingenuous. Not sure how much it’s down to Plod or the press. Three examples from this episode alone.

When first reported, they rushed out that the suspect was “born in Cardiff”. Hahaha. WTF’s that got to do with the price of fish? It’s as relevant as “went to school in Mablethorpe” and is a cynical ploy to disguise perpetrators’ real ethnic and/or religious origins They hope most people will be too thick to twig. Unfortunately many of the thicker ones among us were rightly suspicious and made up their own damaging narrative.

Exhibit two: “not a terrorist act”. Hmmm. Before any investigation?

Third, we are treated to a photo of the suspect as an angelic schoolboy and hear he was sometimes too timid to leave the house. FFS. The guy taxied across town specifically to hack kids to pieces (allegedly).

It’s no excuse for disturbances, which were singularly badly timed as well as moronic. However, can’t these over-woke boneheads see that they themselves fan the flames of societal and political alienation - not just here but in the USA and parts of Europe?

Because of dickheads like this

Presumably they did this because racist dickeads were already spreading false rumours that the perpetrator was a Muslim immigrant who had only just arrived in the country.
Beat me to it.

However the one thing in that post that had also occurred to me was that the perpetrator got a taxi and apparently went to that venue in what appears to be a quiet residential neighborhood, presumably to commit an act of senseless and brutal violence.

Other cases of random stabbings tend to be in the street. Why did he go to that part of town and why into that community centre? Unless it was a completely spur of the moment decision then what was his motive for picking that particular place? I wonder if we'll ever know?
Just a thought - but if you are available to riot and booze from mid afternoon are you a member of the cohort of the economically inactive that worried the last Govt and the Right so much? If so they are winding up people who they also wanted to force back into work !
What has happened to our policing methods and tactics with rioting thugs? Is there not a planned multi-force response to control these small scale and highly predictable incidents? Kneeling passively behind plastic shields and retreating while being bricked and burnt by this scum would surely not be seen in any other country.
When I was based at RAF Benson in the 80’s they occasionally asked for volunteers to go up to the empty married quarter patch and Thames Valley Police would send their officers for riot training..

We were briefed to take no prisoners and they’d placed bins full of hardwood bricks around.. we let them have it every time but god help anybody that their snatch squads managed to get and drag behind the shield cordon.. they got a pasting

They surely do this sort of thing nowadays so why not employ the same tactics.. grab a few and give them a taste of their own medicine

But wait a minute.. we’re too f*cking soft and anybody getting a hiding will claim police brutality.. Like the wanker at Manchester Airport
Beat me to it.

However the one thing in that post that had also occurred to me was that the perpetrator got a taxi and apparently went to that venue in what appears to be a quiet residential neighborhood, presumably to commit an act of senseless and brutal violence.

Other cases of random stabbings tend to be in the street. Why did he go to that part of town and why into that community centre? Unless it was a completely spur of the moment decision then what was his motive for picking that particular place? I wonder if we'll ever know?
Totally premeditated but I hear they mentioned autism etc on the news this evening so I expect a plea of diminished responsibility or similar at the trial
Hard to tell if it helped tbh. The last few days have shown that some people only see what they want to see, regardless of actual facts.

Certainly. The ones you refer to are cretins with their own agenda. I’m merely making the point that the problem is far from one-sided.

I know I’ll get shut down by the usual diehards because debate on such stuff is customarily stifled by those who shout the loudest.

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