UK far right trouble July/August 24

Certainly. The ones you refer to are cretins with their own agenda. I’m merely making the point that the problem is far from one-sided.

I know I’ll get shut down by the usual diehards because debate on such stuff is customarily stifled by those who shout the loudest.
There's still people on social media who think he was an immigrant, despite being born here, and that his parents shouldn't have been allowed to come. I wonder how many of those peoples' ancestors came from places like Ireland or other European countries?

But it does make me smile when people say things like "I'm sick of this country and all the immigrants. I'm going to leave and go somewhere else". Clearly don't have two brain cells to rub together.
Beat me to it.

However the one thing in that post that had also occurred to me was that the perpetrator got a taxi and apparently went to that venue in what appears to be a quiet residential neighborhood, presumably to commit an act of senseless and brutal violence.

Other cases of random stabbings tend to be in the street. Why did he go to that part of town and why into that community centre? Unless it was a completely spur of the moment decision then what was his motive for picking that particular place? I wonder if we'll ever know?

Taylor swift themed event. Possibly advertised locally including Facebook.

The random attacks usually involve people with schizophrenia. It's been reported this kid has autism and has retreated into his bedroom and not ventured outside, possibly he's got lost in an online world. It's possible it's incel idealogy or something similar that hates young independent women and girls.
Because of dickheads like this


Yup, not defending that sort of malicious shite.

However, saying he was born in Cardiff was hardly going to disarm the thugs, was it? It treats everyone as stupid.
Certainly. The ones you refer to are cretins with their own agenda. I’m merely making the point that the problem is far from one-sided.

I know I’ll get shut down by the usual diehards because debate on such stuff is customarily stifled by those who shout the loudest.
It seems it's the knuckle-draggers making most of the noise.

But please explain to the forum what "...the problem..." you've mentioned is.
Yep much artistic licence in the film the RAF permanently ended heavy water production by obliterating the power plant and the heavy water the Germans had the Norwegian resistance sent to the bottom of the fjord on the ferry Hydro, 34 British Commandos were sent to destroy the plant unfortunately their gliders crashed those that survived were murdered by the Gestapo, the parachute regiment pursued those involved in the murders after the war and many were executed.
Yup, not defending that sort of malicious shite.

However, saying he was born in Cardiff was hardly going to disarm the thugs, was it? It treats everyone as stupid.

No it doesn’t.

They said it because there was a made up social media rumour spreading saying he had only been in the country for 22 days. It even appeared on this forum.

They therefore sort to confirm that he was born in this country to drive away from the fake ‘illegal immigrant’ narrative.
Former head of counter terrorism was on the news agents today. Said if he was still in charge he’d be demanding a meeting with the Home Secretary about making the EDL a proscribed terrorist organisation.

Don't think there's any reason why they shouldn't. The only argument for not doing it would be that it migh push people to even more extreme groups. But they have been getting increasingly more extreme themselves so don't think that really stands up.

Found it interesting this week that Anjem Choudhury has been sent down for what will probably be the last time, just like Tiny Tommy, he was a talking head the media used to invite for interviews or panels. Both should never have been given a mainstream platform for their poisonous beliefs.

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