UK far right trouble July/August 24

There's still people on social media who think he was an immigrant, despite being born here, and that his parents shouldn't have been allowed to come. I wonder how many of those peoples' ancestors came from places like Ireland or other European countries?

Clearly social media has much to answer for. However, he was apparently the son of refugees and hasn’t exactly shown the level of gratitude or respect towards his adopted country that one might hope for.
Some of the reporting is scandalously disingenuous. Not sure how much it’s down to Plod or the press. Three examples from this episode alone.

When first reported, they rushed out that the suspect was “born in Cardiff”. Hahaha. WTF’s that got to do with the price of fish? It’s as relevant as “went to school in Mablethorpe” and is a cynical ploy to disguise perpetrators’ real ethnic and/or religious origins They hope most people will be too thick to twig. Unfortunately many of the thicker ones among us were rightly suspicious and made up their own damaging narrative.

Exhibit two: “not a terrorist act”. Hmmm. Before any investigation?

Third, we are treated to a photo of the suspect as an angelic schoolboy and hear he was sometimes too timid to leave the house. FFS. The guy taxied across town specifically to hack kids to pieces (allegedly).

It’s no excuse for disturbances, which were singularly badly timed as well as moronic. However, can’t these over-woke boneheads see that they themselves fan the flames of societal and political alienation - not just here but in the USA and parts of Europe?
Some interesting points-you’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.

The problem I have with people who speak like you partly is the ‘not a terrorist act’…is it something to do with selective hearing or are you too busy shaking your fist that you miss what was actually said numerous times?
Clearly social media has much to answer for. However, he was apparently the son of refugees and hasn’t exactly shown the level of gratitude or respect towards his adopted country that one might hope for.
He was born here. And what was the excuse for all the white British murderers. Sutcliffe, Shipman, Brady, the guy who did the Dunblane & Hungerford massacres, etc, etc.

He clearly had some sort of mental health issues, as all the others above did. Mental health issues or severe personality disorders aren't solely 'white' issues.
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It's beyond words. I honestly can't stop thinking about those poor girls and their families :( when I was young I went to Southport regularly with my mum and brothers; maybe that's why it's affecting me the way it is. There are no reasons, there can never be reasons for doing what he did. It's just an irredeemably evil act and I hope he's handed a whole life order.
A non life term would be better by whatever means.
What has happened to our policing methods and tactics with rioting thugs? Is there not a planned multi-force response to control these small scale and highly predictable incidents? Kneeling passively behind plastic shields and retreating while being bricked and burnt by this scum would surely not be seen in any other country.
Was Southport predictable?

Small scale? They’ve been large scale disorders.

Standing behind the shields is how you’re trained to protect yourself. Tactics involve cordons, running lines to take junctions (there was a clip from Hartkeoool).

You have to consider cell space-you arrest lots of people, what do you do with them. Every arrest will take 4-6 officers to arrest/detain, transport and book them in-then prepare a prisoner handover/statements, so you can quickly lose your capability to manage the incident. Often better to arrest in slow time.

The Met did employ snatch squads but that was a planned protest with a prescribed location that never really escalated-partly due to lack of masonry. But the Met is a huge force with much greater capacity for this -hence Starmer’s guarded response when asked about losing control in Hartlepool.

Police don’t routinely have loads of PSU officers sat round waiting to be deployed -they are largely taken from response shifts who are either running job to job, just ended their shifts or just beginning them-or heaven forbid on leave or rest days.

Approx 20% are trained-it’s voluntary.

I was a PSU Inspector for a few years-for a voluntary job, I was made to do it-and I didn’t get extra pay, I lost days off, albeit most of the time sat in a van bored.

But I also ran spontaneous incidents which included trying to get staff in to make up a PSU (22 cops) takes hours.

My impression from Starmer was saying that forces would cooperate (mutual aid-Merseyside needed officers from 3 other forces to provide PSUs) including from now having officers ready to be deployed-that will involve significant cost/officers having rest days/leave cancelled.

I also think they’ll be making pre-emptive arrests (like they do with known hooligans) for things like breach of the peace/breach of orders) to prevent them gathering-so better and more timely sharing of intel, and also widespread use of s60s-which is something we employed constantly but was admittedly abused (left for days, often because nobody checked) which gives greater powers of arrest/removal of face coverings/ and dispersal.

Its not perfect, but it’s how it is.
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