UK far right trouble July/August 24

It's stupid to label everyone rioting ' far right ' which the BBC can't wait to do. There were a lot of racists on view the last couple of nights but also a lot who just want a scrap, it's what they live for. A sweeping generalisation from the BBC again, but not unexpected
Yeah, but they're irrelevant knobs. The far right instigate and the idiots join in.
It's stupid to label everyone rioting ' far right ' which the BBC can't wait to do. There were a lot of racists on view the last couple of nights but also a lot who just want a scrap, it's what they live for. A sweeping generalisation from the BBC again, but not unexpected
Not everyone taking part in the riots will necessarily be far right. Many could well be apolitical who, as you say, just like getting involved in lawlessness and will use any excuse. However there’s no doubt that the main instigators, agitators and inciters online are almost exclusively far right bellends like Farage, Tate and Yaxley.
Always worth remembering that 82% of the population use social media.

These are purely from my own experiences of using Twitter for a long time (circa 2011). Culture wars or preconceptions about ethnic minorities and crime seem to be frequent to a point where there’s trends all day. It’s been there for years but I’m convinced it’s at its worst and most extensive now.

I think if you’re isolated and use it extensively, the effects can be dire.
The problem is with Twitter and other social media is the algorithms, likes and follows tend to funnel you down an ever narrow tunnel in terms of views and perspectives. You see it on here at times when on certain threads you get the same person posting tweet after tweet from their own feeds - presumably unable to articulate their thoughts for themselves, and labouring under the misconception that other folk want to see their feed.
Extremism is not caused by exposure to extreme views, it is caused by exposure to just one view.
Apparently the ability to order a taxi trumps slaughtering children when it comes to ascertaining someone’s mental state.
The fact that he ordered a taxi to a specific location at a specific time, murdered 3 little girls there, and attempted to murder several other children, implies premeditation and awareness of what he was trying to achieve.

(I'm aware that there is some guesswork in that sentence, but like everyone else I''m trying to understand the motive for what he did on Monday morning).

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