UK far right trouble July/August 24

The fact that he ordered a taxi to a specific location at a specific time, murdered 3 little girls there, and attempted to murder several other children, implies premeditation and awareness of what he was trying to achieve.

(I'm aware that there is some guesswork in that sentence, but like everyone else I''m trying to understand the motive for what he did on Monday morning).

Depending on pre-trial psychiatric reports - they may come back unequivical that he has major mental health problems, the prosecution may except this and he'll be given a long sentence in a secure hospital.

If they contend some of the reports they'll argue the points you raise. Depends on how he pleads too. You'd imagine guilty.

The prosecution may point to the premeditation of the attack that he had a level of control and knew what he was doing. In which case he may be sent to juevenile prison and then adult prison after a certain time. Although he'll have a major target on his back so he may be sent to an adult prison as they have wings for high target prisoners.

Not sure if we'll hear of his motive for some time. That usually comes out during the trial. Or news-sites find clues on anything he's put online.
In case anyone doesn't still understand the basics of why the rioting was wrong, read this to the end.

Poignant piece hopefully being just 8 years old she’ll not be affected for the rest of her life, I’ll never grasp how someone could do that do young girls.
In case anyone doesn't still understand the basics of why the rioting was wrong, read this to the end.

Very good news the dance teacher is recovering, let’s hope she can be back to 100%
In case anyone doesn't still understand the basics of why the rioting was wrong, read this to the end.

Depending on pre-trial psychiatric reports - they may come back unequivical that he has major mental health problems, the prosecution may except this and he'll be given a long sentence in a secure hospital.

If they contend some of the reports they'll argue the points you raise. Depends on how he pleads too. You'd imagine guilty.

The prosecution may point to the premeditation of the attack that he had a level of control and knew what he was doing. In which case he may be sent to juevenile prison and then adult prison after a certain time. Although he'll have a major target on his back so he may be sent to an adult prison as they have wings for high target prisoners.

Not sure if we'll hear of his motive for some time. That usually comes out during the trial. Or news-sites find clues on anything he's put online.
Attackers being mentally ill rather than terrorists seems to be a thing. Personally I think terrorists are mentally ill otherwise they wouldn't commit the acts they do so for me being a terrorist and being mental are not mutually exclusive.
I know @Phil1 commented on this the other day and I never got to respond. These cunts deserve at least the same as those just stop oil mob got, namely three to five years.

Far more aggravating features in terms of the disorder than trying to save the planet. Rioting while mothers weeped. Fucking scum.

Maximum sentence for rioting in the same as the (new) statutory offence of public nuisance - ten years.

Anything less than five years for the main protagonists is a fucking joke.They should be looking at more, if there’s any justice.
Been saying this from the start.

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