UK far right trouble July/August 24

'enough is enough'
'stop the boats'
'we want our country back'

that sort of jargon.

That sort of jargon?

I recognise that not only is a certain level of immigration essential for economic growth but also desirable. Immigrants bring fresh ideas and energy. I myself am the child of immigrants who came to this country immediately after the end of WW2.

I'm guessing you're not advocating an open border?

Assuming that's true, the only difference between you and those advocating tighter immigration controls is where the line is drawn, not that the line exists.
Let's agree that they are morons.

Let's agree that violence is never acceptable.

Let's agree that the 'spark', this time, is almost certainly wrong.

But let's not pretend that there isn't a debate to be had about the high level of immigration into this country which is causing these social tensions.

And let's not close down that debate by calling people who want tighter immigration controls racist.

Agree with most of that. However the reason the debate 'is needed' is because it is constantly pushed by the press and right-wing grifters like Farage, who has made a career out of this kind of thing.

A lot of the issues wouldn't even need discussing if immigration had been framed differently over the last ten years.
'enough is enough'
'stop the boats'
'we want our country back'

that sort of jargon.

"What do we want? (insert here). When do we want it? Now!"

Extreme political movements of every hue don't engage in meaningful dialogue to bring about a compromise, they're not interested in a resolution of whatever it is they're supposedly up in arms about, they're about undermining the "established order", to wake up the "sleeping giant" of the masses, in order to destroy the globalists, the capitalists, those who would replace us, whoever the supposed oppressor is, depending on whatever bat shit crazy is your poison.

It's not important that the foot soldiers of any of these movements understands what the fuck is going on, in fact it's essential that they have only the vaguest of ideas, they're there for the commotion, to get arrested and burn police vehicles, all they need to bring is their anger and their alienation.
As a Head Teacher doesn't Miss Snuffy have Safeguarding responsibilities at her school and in relation to her non-white pupils how is this not breaching those Safeguarding Rules?

You've jumped the shark there mate, I've a feeling her politics ain't my cup of tea, but her use of the word "thing" in this instance is appropriate, why? Because the violence directed at the mosque is completely at variance to the reality of what the mosque actually is and what actually happened in Southport.

She stated as much.

Notice she wants the anger directed at the "state", if she's a mate of Braverman then that's probably the "deep state"

Shitty little tweet that.
These are exactly the same sort of people who back in the day would have been witch hunters.

A debate on immigration? By all means. But you don't debate immigration by hurling bricks at police officers. You need to ask why, for example, the last Tory government issued over 1 million visas in a year. I strongly suspect it was for economic reasons. I doubt very much it was a conspiracy to undermine the white race.

Can we reduce immigration? Probably. But don't kid yourself it won't cost. We will need to start training more of 'our own' although I doubt any of the brick chuckers will learn to be consultant surgeons any time soon. Our absurd Brexit decision has made the matter worse, not better.

Asylum seekers? What draws them here? I suggest the English language. (We could all learn Polish I suppose, but otherwise we're stuck with that.) Relatives already here. (Hard to do much about that.) The vast amount of under-the-counter cash-in-hand work available. (We could sort that, but a lot of Brits would be unhappy with the changes.) Lack of ID cards. (See previous.)
just keep locking them up - there is a risk being in Aldershot some of those arrested may also be subject to the Kings Regulations which will be a bit awkward for HM Forces

Get 'em in Colchester glass house. That'll learn 'em. (I knew a lad who was in there. It made prison seem like Butlins.)

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