UK far right trouble July/August 24

As well as assaulting any vicars they come across in the street and demanding all Christians are sent back to Rome.

Have I got this right?

surely to Jerusalem. May as well pit our yobs up against some of the worlds best though I fear we may come off 2nd best armed only with masonry against an opposition armed with guns.
According to the Daily Mirror, the accused murderer's parents are not just Christians, but active Christians.

Therefore, on Saturday, all patriots should report to Sinclairs, get blind drunk, and brick the Cathedral.

Makes sense to me.
Lucky for them alot of ‘Spoons are former churches.
As well as assaulting any vicars they come across in the street and demanding all Christians are sent back to Rome.

Have I got this right?
Well, if they were against peados and grooming gangs you’d have thought the Catholic Church would have been target no1. And vicars aren’t Catholic so no connection to Rome.
haha i think so!

That's why I asked you about the pavement thing yesterday , cause the blues ( in London ) just let it be as they where on the pavement ( that's the way it looked ) and then it was obvious the guys with red helmets ordered the blues to basically get a grip of the ones not on the road but on the pavement also.

But you are other poster said it was allowed and I think you know more than me so was happy enough with that .
The saddest thing is that this is just perpetuation of the class war that’s been waged on the poor since time began, save for a brief period following the Second World War, although that did manage to kill a huge number of the working class, so their stock and value briefly rose.
Then Thatcher destroyed almost all the jobs that many of these peoples forbears would have done and the suppression of the working class began again in earnest.
We had years of ‘it’s all the fault of the EU’ then it was freedom of movement, then the even greater divide began as we Brexited.
Government then demonises migrants, whist issuing more visas in the last 3 years than ever before. Importing cheap labour instead of paying proper wages for people in the caring profession, was their answer. (Another thing Brexit was supposed to solve). Of course, most ‘care homes’ are owned via shell companies in tax havens so why would their owners (in a good number of cases Tory MP’s or donors) want that?
Now, after years of under investment (and sadly it looks like Starmer and Reeves are a Cameron and Osborne tribute act, even when all the evidence says that we’re here, absolutely because of them 2), everything blamed on ‘illegals’. Apparently they’re all single young men, who are purely economic migrants, but who are also stopping us getting a GP/hospital appointment and making all our schools full..
If any of the ‘patriots’ ever started to join the dots, and realised they’ve far more in common with many immigrants, there would be chaos.
Far better for the non=elites, men of the People, like Farage, Tice, Johnson and the like to wind them up and send them out to do their bidding.

On that note I see Farage has now appointed himself leader of the opposition and inciter in chief. After his performance on Monday suggesting ‘they’re keeping things from us”, he’s now surrounded by flags saying; “I tell you what. What you’ve seen on the streets of Hartlepool, of London, of Southport is nothing to what could happen over the course of the next few weeks.”

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