UK far right trouble July/August 24

Inexcusable behaviour by racist bellends who will look for any excuse to have a scrap, same with the nobheads in London last night.

One disturbing thing in this thread is some people trying to conflate a bunch of feral pissed up, coked up thugs to the likes of just stop oil, the latter are a bit annoying, the other actively are bricking the police.
I hope they stay away then, wouldn't be like them not to do the right thing.
We're on the same side, common decency will win, the most important thing is the families of these young victims will get some kind of closure but it will impact the rest of their lives.

Those who have lost kids to childhood illnesses suffer enough, to have a child murdered is truly devastating, a lasting effect on the families lives that can never be eradicated, only managed with help and support.
I could be wrong, but It feels like we are on the cusp of it majorly kicking off in the uk at the moment.

Whether it’s idiots rioting in Southport, in Leeds or various other incidents. Seems like something is happening every week involving different groups. There appears to be a lot of anger, especially the years after lockdown.
I know you're legally correct and I'm not disagreeing with you but to call a 17 year old a "child" seems ridiculous. Although not life savvy at that age it's not really in the child category, would classify as young adults who (in most cases) should have reasonable life skills. We've become a proper Nanny state.
Because it’s been the law since I dunno the 30s.

He’s been charged with 3 murders.

In law he’s a child so he CANNOT be named unless a Judge orders it or he turns 18.

Other than a morbid curiosity what difference would it make anyway if he were to be named?

I’m reading more shite from the likes of Tice trying to make out it’s some kind of conspiracy why he hasn’t been named but everyone needs to rise above that shit stirring shite and understand our judicial system functions pretty well and legal decisions are based on what is right rather then bending to the mob.

Who knows he may be 18 v soon if people are that interested.
as I have said Hartlepool is a shit hole full of ignorant twats - I know I go there - I was there last week. Remember the guy who the morning after the 2019 GE he boasted he had voted Tory because they got Brexit done and had provided 10 food banks to Hartlepool whereas there were none under Labour (plot spoiler - they didn't need them under Labour even when the Prince of Darkness Mandleson was their MP) - they are mostly not the brightest and you have to bear in mind their descendants hung a monkey as they thought it was a French spy

Let's face it the country is absolutely fucked..I'm afraid it'll get a hell of a lot worse and it's just not this country. All over the world its kicking off, you get the feeling something big going to happen? Hey but what the fuck do i know..It'll be big aldi booze stock up tomorrow. Stay safe blues
Let's face it the country is absolutely fucked..I'm afraid it'll get a hell of a lot worse and it's just not this country. All over the world its kicking off, you get the feeling something big going to happen? Hey but what the fuck do i know..It'll be big aldi booze stock up tomorrow. Stay safe blues
It really does feel that way, I am glad that I am in my later years.
the video of the police dog chewing a fat bloke's ass is back on twatter-oh its beautiful-as if you'd stand in front of a police dog running your mouth.

the moment the dog sees his big ass..
I'm expecting trouble are here in Thanet sadly.
We have a big detention centre just down the road. Farge stood for MP a few years ago he was beaten by some tory.
I work in the town and you here a 50-50 split in the English language and non English. There's alot of hate under the surface about the boats.

I really hope I'm wrong and it stays quite. Fingers crossed

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