UK far right trouble July/August 24

Seriously, are you for real? They can't release all the information because this is a live investigation and releasing too much information could jeopardise the trial. And why do people need more information at this stage? The police have already stated his age, where he lives, and where he was born. If people are too thick, too ignorant, or too racist to be able to process that information then that's on them and nobody else.

Yeah completely agree and if she had said that I’d understand and always have understood and not felt any rush to know who he is as it doesn’t matter

I didn’t understand her reasoning though of how it poses risks to the girls family and police…. Etc if they reveal more information
Yeah completely agree and if she had said that I’d understand and always have understood and not felt any rush to know who he is as it doesn’t matter

I didn’t understand her reasoning though of how it poses risks to the girls family and police…. Etc if they reveal more information

Conspiracy theorists who don't think it was real?

See Manchester bombing and Sandy Hook.
I disagree with you in a way to be honest.
Yes the lockdowns have been gone for a few years now but people would have been affected forever with the affects of it.
Does it justify it, no it doesn't but I have found since post covid people to me more aggressive and have a lot more anger in them
This is the result of people being locked up for too long. I never agreed with the lockdowns and felt it could have been handled in another wat. Just my opinion.
I don't think that lockdowns are a factor at all. There have been riots and lynch mobs since time began.

This incident has just exposed the truth and that is far too many people are exposed to misinformation and far too many people are grifting to take advantage of it. They even know that it is misinformation and that's why they moan and groan about the right to free speech.

The thugs who came out in Southport were undone yesterday because the real reason why they came out to riot was exposed as a lie. They haven't said anything about that and they haven't come out to apologise. They're the kind who praised the Police at Manchester Airport but then call out two tier Policing when they're arrested for smashing things up.

A sizeable chunk of people have been infected by a mind virus precipitated by people who take advantage of prejudice, bias and political identity. It's fairly similar to how wokeness has twisted people's views albeit just the opposite end of the spectrum.
It HAS been on the cards.

Because for some two decades now, the political parties, instead of challenging this biggotry and trying to isolate and minimise it, have been quitely emboldening it to milk it for votes. Or at the very least turning a blind eye to it while reaping the benefits.

Because they realised, it is easier to convince people they are angry and misunderstood, and target their protest vote, than it is to convince them they as a party are any good.

They all fucking did it, the Tories scapegoated and blamestormed their way through the Cameron years to get and keep those swing votes off Labour. The Faragists took it further getting the far right votes over the Tories, who in turn borrowed the rhetoric to show they can be as tough and as open to racism, now branded free speech. And Labour fucking hid and even did their own share of pandering to what they perceived as the prevalent mood.

And in those circumstances it was then so easy to amplify it with exaggerated and faked news, to the pointnthe established media tiptoed around it to not lose audiences.

And then they acted surprised at the appetite for prejudice-led Brexit. And Still pandered to it, the split in their own parties feeding the split in society, and branding any questioning of biggotry as 'elitism', to only further reinforce it.

We as a society are complicit too. Not only the layers buying into it, but those in denial, making excuses and accepting it, for our own political flag waving.

How many times did we see these arguements in the name of Brexit, where sensible grounded people just accepted hatred as a valid reason to pursue an agenda, excused ignorance and repeatedly and naively argued it had nothing to do with underlying reason for the whole thing. Which, btw was meant to solve this whole issue once and for all, and look where we are.

And even now, we see a large percentage of apologists, on these threads never mind out there. 'Hey, this is happening because people are 'angry', we understand that'. No, they are ignorant, prejudiced, and selfish arseholes. Let's start there.
I think you mean the last 14 years. I don’t recall Labour emboldening and championing bigots and racists, but I well recall Theresa May's hostile environment and David Cameron being two weak to deal with the far right crackpots in the Tory Party and offering up the Brexit referendum as a way out, which backfired on him - and us - catastrophically.

This gave the extremists among the Tories licence to move even further to the right and for those who didn't think they were far right enough, grifters and sh!tehawks like Farage and Yaxley-Lennon were more than happy to oblige the, er, "patriots" a la Trump's MAGA.
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Conspiracy theorists who don't think it was real?

See Manchester bombing and Sandy Hook.

So they think if they confirm it the conspiracy theorists who don’t believe it happened ( is there any ? ) will be angry and the police believe they might attack the girls families and police ?

Nah can’t see that tbh
Lastly Tommy Robinson a racist criminal who is wanted has fled abroad - I wonder if his supporters see the irony

They won't.

Conspiracy theorists are not typically open to accepting disconfirming factual information. Their beliefs are effectively unfalsifiable.

So there's that with him and his followers.

Then there's the manner in which some people (who in the past would have been acolytes of gurus, prophets and cult leaders) are so invested in their charismatic figurehead that they are in denial about the possibility that he/she might be an utter fraud, a grifter.

Characters like Robinson, 'influencers' like Tate, and even Trump - think of the adoration bestowed on him by QAnon adherents - seem to be incapable of wrongdoing in the eyes of their admirers. They are like secular gurus, the modern equivalent of Jim Jones, David Koresh, Shoko Asahara et al.

Also, like those gurus and prophets, they provide their followers with a superficially plausible metaphysics of savagery, in this instance based on 'othering' (or in plainer language 'scapegoating') that purports to make sense of a world that would otherwise seem chaotic and unfathomable.

This all looks very toxic to me.
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Both my parents and grandparents used to say the same.

Maybe my little piece of Radcliffe is a Utopian enclave because it’s very quiet and peaceful most days, everyone getting on with things.
My parents were going to leave this country multiple times because of how it was finished.
So they think if they confirm it the conspiracy theorists who don’t believe it happened ( is there any ? ) will be angry and the police believe they might attack the girls families and police ?

Nah can’t see that tbh

There are families grieving and others with young girls fighting for their lives. We don't need to know any more information until the trial.
Heard they are organising a demo in town on saturday with a anti-facist counter demo being arranged to confront them

Thing is they (the RWNJ) are making it about being proud patriots and claiming some bollock anglo saxon nativeness which doesn't exist maybe someome tell the danes/frogs/iberians the never were here if so;-) so any counter protest needs to be about what a mixed bag our heritage is, so for the day leave the israel/palestine guff out of it and make it a counter protest of your version of britshness is bollocks, britain is communities together of all races and religions and not fat cunts drinking carling and singing no surrendoh.

Anyway maybe town a place to avoid on Sat for families

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