Decent point you make, but you should remember that FFP was introduced because the so called established clubs were scared of competition. There is nothing moral about that. It was dressed up as being "fair" but the truth is, it was fair to them, not to others that had the ambition to break up their cosy cartel. Also remember that the ringleader for FFP at the time was that snidey little frenchman Platini. Remember him? - he's the one that was banned from football for 6 years for taking a 2m swiss france "disloyalty payment" (i.e. bribe) in connection with Blatter's re-election as FIFA president. These were the type of people UEFA were infested with and the ones we had to deal with. Do we cave in to these unsavoury types with the backing of the big boys from Munich, Manchester and Milan, or do we stand up to them and fight fire with fire? I really don't buy the moral high ground argument. Morality and UEFA? - do me a favour.