Laughable mate. Absolutely laughable. The irony of you trying to claim that I don't "understand simple concepts" when you have revealed that you don't even possess simple comprehension. The second paragraph I wrote in this thread said that I was talking about Canberra and Australia - before I posted any videos.
Jesus Christ! Talk about irony. Here's the quote
"It's as if
you are purposely trying not to understand simple concepts. I wonder why that is?"
The implications being I think it's a pretense. I.e. You understand the ideas but are pretending not to. Perhaps I was wrong.
"I know this because I have been dealing with these people in Canberra all this last week. I live 100 metres away from one of the locations they've protested. I see and interact with them everyday. So I respectfully put to you, that what you're spouting through your 'informed analysis of watching the news and listening to interviews' is not strictly correct."
Yes, I saw that. I honestly didn't know where Canberra was. I just assumed it was in Canada coz I assumed we were talking about the same event. But it seems you are hell bent on believing otherwise. Feel free to do so.
These protests are linked - as the article clearly indicating foreign interreference and manipulation whether for political or financial gain. They are not strictly about anti-mandates. The organisers are co-opting the mandate rhetoric to deliver something much more sinister. It is the thin end of the wedge. Your claim that the Canadian protests are simply "anti-mandate" protests does not bear any credible scrutiny at all. And it is abundantly clear when you actually look beneath the superficial aspects of what they are saying. There is a difference between a public pronouncement, and actual intent.
So your argument is that we shouldn't believe what they are saying?
The point I was responding to initially was your argument that there was an equivalence between these protests and other "sympathetic" protests.
Yes there is. This is a protest against governmental excess. If you cannot see how a protest against Governmental Tyranny is sympathetic. Then you've missed the plot. T
This is clearly not the case due to the extreme beliefs that the leaders and organisers possess and their ulterior motives. A leader who peddles white supremacy myths, transphobia, paedophilia, anti LGBTI, New World Order/Soros conspiracy theorists does not simply turn off these views when at the head of an anti-government protest. I have clearly demonstrated that. You chose to ignore it.
Again like I have explained to you before... Your argument is a flimsy one. It goes like this, there is an Protest about X. Some of the people protesting X also have Y views which are terrible. Therefore protest X is not really what the protest is about... It's flimsy. There are always grifters that glob on to any Protests. You are not breaking any news there. There were ex-cons, looters, anarchists, Pedophiles etc. that glammed on to the Black Lives Matter Protests last summer too. This however didn't change it from a BLM protest to a Pedophile Looters convention. Did it?
And that's the point. To reiterate. My original point was that it was disingenuous to call a Rally that defined itself based on Anti-Mandate demands as Anti-Vax simply because some of them were not vaxed and against vaccination.
Your response, to that original claim was wrong. You were describing some of the people in the protest, while I was describing what the Protest was more about
I.e it was clearly far more accurate to describe it as an AntiMandate Protest than a Anti-Vax Protest.
Anyway you can have the last word.