I've posted elsewhere about a book called 'factfulness' - it's about challenging our learnt 'facts'....based on err... fact!
It has a set of 13 multi choice questions about the world, one of which is about global warming which about (iirc) 86% of the testers (ranging from nobel prize winners to joe bloggs) got right - ie the science and fact is undenialable - it is occuring (why/what/who, is not the debate).
The average test score IIRC (including the global warming one)...is ...2!
That's how bad people's knowledge of the world is. And the questions are pretty general about the state of the world/comparing areas.
I got 3, yay go me...
The website for the test is here:
The book (and the questions the book is built around), is very thought provoking, and is an alarming indication of how ignorant on some real basic assumptions we 'all' are. Let alone about wandering into Trump territory...