General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 177 58.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 26 8.6%
  • Reform

    Votes: 41 13.6%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 19 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 10.0%

  • Total voters
I won't be the one that ends up disappointed.... you'll happy clap for a year or two as your country crumbles around you. Well done.

More death, more wars and as many boosters as you can get.

Happy Days indeed "Things can only get better"
We don't expect thing to get better in the next 5 years, 14 years of self-servatives corruption and incompetence will ensure of that, but at least things won't continue getting worse at the same rate, whereas your backing a PLC who have a manifesto that would look even truss seem "intelligent"
I'll stay because good always defeats evil.....

Once you realise you've been trapped in a big tech censored echo chamber for the past few years you might wake up.
I'll disregard your second paragraph completely because it really isn't worthy of a response.

But I have one last question for you? Who is the good and who is the evil in your mind?
Think of all the unwoke places he'd be happier in? Like Russia, or China? Maybe a haven in the Gulf States?

Anyway, wielding the word woke as a pejorative is the last stronghold of the stupid; so I should probably stop indulging him.
Tbh I think woke, snowflake, racist, nazi etc are all terms that get thrown around when folk lack the intellect to express themselves properly.
We don't expect thing to get better in the next 5 years, 14 years of self-servatives corruption and incompetence will ensure of that, but at least things won't continue getting worse at the same rate, whereas your backing a PLC who have a manifesto that would look even truss seem "intelligent"
Spot on, but I do wish the media would place more emphasis on pulling apart the almost totally unfeasible reform manifesto. We seem to be slipping into the trap of playing the man rather than the ball so as to speak and playing to farages strengths - the immigration issue and name calling so he can claim victimhood. This is how the 'shock' Brexit result came about, the debate was with him in the gutter.
have you noticed the nearer the demolition gets and the fact that the polls get worse not better more and more of them resort to arguing with and shouting at constituents? Simon Clarke was on our estate the afternoon I learn - at the bottom end of the estate where the newer posher houses are which I assume they "more Tory" - seems he knocked one door and got pelters from a guy who's mortgage has more than doubled - that brought neighbours and he and his team were hounded off the estate

have you noticed the nearer the demolition gets and the fact that the polls get worse not better more and more of them resort to arguing with and shouting at constituents? Simon Clarke was on our estate the afternoon I learn - at the bottom end of the estate where the newer posher houses are which I assume they "more Tory" - seems he knocked one door and got pelters from a guy who's mortgage has more than doubled - that brought neighbours and he and his team were hounded off the estate

I (almost) feel sorry for the constituency Tory candidates facing the public. Left holding the baby while senior party members are busy booking removals and job interviews with donors.
Surely the poll at the top of the Fred can be used to identify and shame the reform stormtroopers.
If I remember correctly @Ric, quite rightly in my opinion, said you can’t be identified in the poll. I think his reasoning was to curb the name calling etc.
Our illustrious leader is always fair and balanced when it comes to these sort of things.
If the electoral ballot is secret at the ballot box then it should be secret everywhere.

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