Get Dad To A Game - Update with sad news p21


Well-Known Member
4 Jul 2009
This is probably the longest of longshots in the history of longshots but hey ho, gotta give it a go for the old fella!

My Dad has been a blue for most of his 62 years on this planet and has spent the last 2 1/2 yrs a very poorly man, resulting in 4 months of intensive chemo followed by 2 bone marrow transplants which entailed a near 4 month in patient stay in virtual solitary (unless he had a immediate family visitor) confinement in Leicester hospital. Throughout all of his treatment he retained such dignity and a strength of character I didn't think possible for somebody to have whilst they were so so poorly and suffering so very much.

His recovery has been very long and agonisingly slow and although he is gradually getting better he is still unable to socialise with large groups of people or be in pubs/restaurants etc because of his lack of any real immune system and therefore the risk of catching an infection which to anyone else might go un-noticed but to him could be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Barring a few friends round the house and two or three trips to sit outside the local pub he hasn't really done anything you would consider interesting in the last 2 years. To look at him you wouldn't know there was much wrong with him but he has been to hell and back, twice over.

He asked his consultant last week if he was able to go to COMS to watch his beloved Blues play. The answer was a resounding and emphatic NO, too many people all squeezed up together in close proximity, the risk of an infection is too great. there was a BUT though - he is able to go if he sits in a 'fancy box' as his consultant told him (can't you just tell it was a woman!!)

So here is was massive ask - does anybody know somebody or have access to a private box they would let us take up a couple of places in? I appreciate this is a massive ask, and moreover a right cheek but it is the only way I can get him to a game for the considerable future or perhaps ever again if a new treatment he is having doesn't work!

I would love more than anything to be able to afford to hire a box for a day but it is just way out of my league, I just don't have that kind of money, although I would be happy to make a modest donation (The price of two tickets to a grade 'A' match - not much but all I can afford) to a Charity - my charity of choice would be The Anthony Nolan Trust as they have helped our family so much, finding Dad not only one but two bone marrow donors and giving him a second chance at life.

I know this is a massive ask and I have agonised for days over wether or not to post this as I don't want anybody to think I am taking the piss or expecting too much, but as the saying goes....if you don't ask you don't get.

He's an amazing Dad and I would like to try and repay him for everything he has done for me over my near 30 years on this planet. I feel something like this would give him a real boost and add some real enjoyment and fun into whats been a very dull and depressing time for him.

Apologies in advance if this is out of order.

Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

Whilst I am not in a position to help Cake, I don't think your post out of order at all.

In fact I think it a lovely gesture/request and one that will receive some positive replies and offers of help.

Good luck. x
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

mackenzie said:
Whilst I am not in a position to help Cake, I don't think your post out of order at all.

In fact I think it a lovely gesture/request and one that will receive some positive replies and offers of help.

Good luck. x

Thanks Mackenzie, I do hope so.

Like I said, it was a really tough call wether or not to post, I don't want people thinking I'm taking the piss or trying to get something for nothing off the back of a really bad thing. Just want to do something for my Dad!
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

Great post and well done for eventually doing it. Hope your dad is ok and he stays in good health as long as possible. I know someone whe has a box above the family stand and im sure that he would be willing to help in some sort of way. The only issue that i can think of is that the boxes hold 10 people and there would obviously be others in the box on that day. I will contact him tomorrow as i have not spoke to him since last season, he wasnt 100% if he was renewing it or not as he shares it 50/50 with someone else who couldnt afford it anymore. I will contact you tomorrow when i have spoken to him, if this doesnt come off, im sure that the club directly could possibly help you out in some way. I could possibly help you in that area aswell but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Cheers, rickmcfc.
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

mackenzie said:
Whilst I am not in a position to help Cake, I don't think your post out of order at all.

In fact I think it a lovely gesture/request and one that will receive some positive replies and offers of help.

Good luck. x

Completely this ^^ A fantastic gesture to your Dad and surely someone on here is nice enough to let you in the box :) Good luck! Wish I could help you too..but I can't unfortunately :(
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

Well mate,am sorry to say I dont have a box yet (but lotteries on in an hour or so),fingers crossed.....but you could have mine and the mrs ticket for a game if you like,but as you say probly no use,as its amongst the fans,am sure someone on here knows someone in a box who may be able to oblige,good luck

And NO it aint cheeky or taking piss
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

rickmcfc said:
Great post and well done for eventually doing it. Hope your dad is ok and he stays in good health as long as possible. I know someone whe has a box above the family stand and im sure that he would be willing to help in some sort of way. The only issue that i can think of is that the boxes hold 10 people and there would obviously be others in the box on that day. I will contact him tomorrow as i have not spoke to him since last season, he wasnt 100% if he was renewing it or not as he shares it 50/50 with someone else who couldnt afford it anymore. I will contact you tomorrow when i have spoken to him, if this doesnt come off, im sure that the club directly could possibly help you out in some way. I could possibly help you in that area aswell but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Cheers, rickmcfc.

Hi mate

He is OK in small groups of people she says, just not surrounded by tens of thousands with people as close as they are in normal seating in the ground.

The club were really good when he was diagnosed, I gave them a £100 donation to their community charity and they got some great black and white picture of Colin Bell and Mike Sumerbee in their heyday and had them framed and signed for him and also a birthday car sent from Sven! ( he was diagnosed just before his 60th birthday!!)
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

Cake said:
This is probably the longest of longshots in the history of longshots but hey ho, gotta give it a go for the old fella!

My Dad has been a blue for most of his 62 years on this planet and has spent the last 2 1/2 yrs a very poorly man, resulting in 4 months of intensive chemo followed by 2 bone marrow transplants which entailed a near 4 month in patient stay in virtual solitary (unless he had a immediate family visitor) confinement in Leicester hospital. Throughout all of his treatment he retained such dignity and a strength of character I didn't think possible for somebody to have whilst they were so so poorly and suffering so very much.

His recovery has been very long and agonisingly slow and although he is gradually getting better he is still unable to socialise with large groups of people or be in pubs/restaurants etc because of his lack of any real immune system and therefore the risk of catching an infection which to anyone else might go un-noticed but to him could be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Barring a few friends round the house and two or three trips to sit outside the local pub he hasn't really done anything you would consider interesting in the last 2 years. To look at him you wouldn't know there was much wrong with him but he has been to hell and back, twice over.

He asked his consultant last week if he was able to go to COMS to watch his beloved Blues play. The answer was a resounding and emphatic NO, too many people all squeezed up together in close proximity, the risk of an infection is too great. there was a BUT though - he is able to go if he sits in a 'fancy box' as his consultant told him (can't you just tell it was a woman!!)

So here is was massive ask - does anybody know somebody or have access to a private box they would let us take up a couple of places in? I appreciate this is a massive ask, and moreover a right cheek but it is the only way I can get him to a game for the considerable future or perhaps ever again if a new treatment he is having doesn't work!

I would love more than anything to be able to afford to hire a box for a day but it is just way out of my league, I just don't have that kind of money, although I would be happy to make a modest donation (The price of two tickets to a grade 'A' match - not much but all I can afford) to a Charity - my charity of choice would be The Anthony Nolan Trust as they have helped our family so much, finding Dad not only one but two bone marrow donors and giving him a second chance at life.

I know this is a massive ask and I have agonised for days over wether or not to post this as I don't want anybody to think I am taking the piss or expecting too much, but as the saying goes....if you don't ask you don't get.

He's an amazing Dad and I would like to try and repay him for everything he has done for me over my near 30 years on this planet. I feel something like this would give him a real boost and add some real enjoyment and fun into whats been a very dull and depressing time for him.

Apologies in advance if this is out of order.


Have you tried writing to the club?
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

Cake said:
rickmcfc said:
Great post and well done for eventually doing it. Hope your dad is ok and he stays in good health as long as possible. I know someone whe has a box above the family stand and im sure that he would be willing to help in some sort of way. The only issue that i can think of is that the boxes hold 10 people and there would obviously be others in the box on that day. I will contact him tomorrow as i have not spoke to him since last season, he wasnt 100% if he was renewing it or not as he shares it 50/50 with someone else who couldnt afford it anymore. I will contact you tomorrow when i have spoken to him, if this doesnt come off, im sure that the club directly could possibly help you out in some way. I could possibly help you in that area aswell but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Cheers, rickmcfc.

Hi mate

He is OK in small groups of people she says, just not surrounded by tens of thousands with people as close as they are in normal seating in the ground.

The club were really good when he was diagnosed, I gave them a £100 donation to their community charity and they got some great black and white picture of Colin Bell and Mike Sumerbee in their heyday and had them framed and signed for him and also a birthday car sent from Sven! ( he was diagnosed just before his 60th birthday!!)

Thats great what the club did. They are really helpfull in situations like this. Now i know he could attend if there was 10 in the box, i will make the phone call tomorrow. The other thing, can he stand up or is he wheelchair bound? (please excuse my ignorance) the only reason im asking is because of the layout of the box, if he cant stand outside the box during the game, he may have a very limited view if he had to sit behing the glass in a wheelchair during the game itself. If he can stand then he could just stay stood up inside the box, not on the seating just infront with everyone else.
Re: Trying to get my Dad to a game......Can anyone help????

I'd love to be able to help but like you I don't have a 'fancy box'!

Id definitely suggest writing to the club! They are usually good with things like this to be fair.

Good luck blue

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