Get your complaints in

nozza said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Let me think...............

Drogba gets a ban from Europe for swearing into the camera at the end of the Chelsea/Barcelona game.

So Rumpole, how is Rooneys any different?

let's face it they lick his ginger hairy arsehole.

Well there's an image I won't be able to get out of my head for a while.
Thanks a lot.
silvasilvasilva said:
hahaha How is this worthy of a ban, players swear all the time, should it be only enforceable when within 5 metres of a camera. Absolutely rediculous, he might get reminded of his responsibilities as a professional but there not just going to ban him for celebrating a goal, next it will be taking off your shirt will get you a ban for unwarranted nudity that might offend the deeply religious, get a grip.

Rag alert
Swearing eh? Who'd a thowt it, a footballer swearing!
As another poster said, it's no wonder they call us bitter.<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:36 am --<br /><br />Getting slated off the papers on Sunday Supplement. Custis has it spot on to be fair, he says he's a disgrace for doing it, but shouldn't be hit with a charge. I agree with that. It's an outlet of emotion, albeit blowing the respect thing out of the water. People are people, afterall.
There's only a few players in the league that would get this ridiculous reaction from the media. Mario, Barton and Rooney are 3 of them. It's so sad. Who really gives a shit? It was on the radio this morning, it's on the radio this afternoon, every newspaper... I DON'T CARE.

A teacher was on the radio saying if I swore at the kids I'd lose my job! Lol Jesus Christ I didn't realise footballers are meant to teach kids manners. Sad fuckers. If Giggs, Lampard, Bale or any other media darling did that, there'd be fuck all said about it.
Someone said, 'had Balotelli done this'...well the reason it's making such news is Rooney has done it. If it was someone like Bale, there would barely be a word spoken about it.

The guy is a passionate, he gets dogs abuse from firstly people in general then even more at the ground itself, in a huge game that could be the main title swinger, he scores a hat-trick and swears at a camera.

He's stupid, naive and what he did was just stupid but he's only swore at a camera during a celebration, hardly a criminal offence. What's worse is you'll probably get people complaining, the same people who if they were at a Manchester Derby, would hurl all sorts of abuse at Rooney even with little children and families around.

He is stupid and will do stupid things, some should be punishable, things like elbowing other players but this? desperate.
LoveCity said:
FA claiming they will "look into it". How can one club have so many classless individuals? From Slurgie to Shrek to Ratface to Ratface mk. II (Rafael) to The Cheat (Nani) to Fletcher... it goes on.

I know its a scandal.
hp88 said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
MOTD gloss over it because he apologised...typical.

He's apologised what more do you want?

The HP in your name tells me you're a rag.

As for the white Pele, the amount of stuff he's got away with since he joined them is incredible. I suspect the FA will have to do something sooner rather than later to sustain the disingenuous stance of impartiality they claim to have.
on the same day that this happened:


It's overlooked, and instead the shitstorm is generated around Rooney saying a few naughty words. Jesus wept.

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