GMP F*** Up Again

mancityvstoke said:
as a distraction from the embarrassment of this video.

Who was who in this Canal Street version of Green Street from 2001?

Was it Stockport in the Bar?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>

Stockport in Mantos, attacked by City.
mancityvstoke said:
as a distraction from the embarrassment of this video.

Who was who in this Canal Street version of Green Street from 2001?

Was it Stockport in the Bar?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>
You see this where it pays to use a proper removals company, moving is stressful enough without this- the cowboys we had last time were similarly rough with our furniture.
Didsbury Dave said:
mancityvstoke said:
as a distraction from the embarrassment of this video.

Who was who in this Canal Street version of Green Street from 2001?

Was it Stockport in the Bar?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>

Stockport in Mantos, attacked by City.

Who's running off at 40 secs and then again at 1.26?
Montgomery Burns said:
scottyboi said:
Will you stop going on about me you fucking tool.

Afraid not young man, because you were the idiot who posted up that youtube vid on Friday (since deleted) which showed a mob of yobs kicking the wotsits out of a couple of police. Sure they deserved it, course they did, it was f'in great. Whatever.

I'll keep banging on about it until you apologise for posting the vid. So I expect to be doing it for a while.

Whereas you were the idiot who hoped ticket price increases had priced hooligans out. Yeah, that's the solution to hooliganism; get rid of the working classes, whether they're guilty or not...
Lancet Fluke said:
scottyboi said:
Anyone who disagrees with him gets mentioned for abit. Shame he could not of done this more with the FA watch he might of got somewhere.
Saturday was another good reason for me to despise the police so I expect him to still be moaning all week.

Not wanting to speak for Montgomery Burns but I suspect it is less about you disagreeing with him and more about the fact that your posts when it comes to the subject of football fan violence and the police are an absolute embarrassment. You want to know why the police act like dicks and go around twatting football fans, it's because they assume we are all like you. I don't condone the behaviour of the police a lot of the time and have made that very clear but when I read the shit you churn out on here, I can see why they end up doing it.

You've read me 100% correctly Lancet and your post is absolutely spot on.

I abhor violence full stop, whether it be football violence, domestic violence, generally yobbish behaviour or whatever. And I cannot stand it being glorified by little boys with no life experience or idiots who are old enough to know better.

If I have a problem with someone in real life, and thankfully it's not often, we talk it through in an intelligent and adult manner. Most people are able to do that. Generally that approach works; you don't have to shout and spit and punch to get what you want. Brains are there to be used.

One thing I've always told my kids is to treat others as you want to be treated yourself - I got that from my Mum and Dad, as did most people of my generation. As with give authority respect, but always stand up for what you believe is right - which you were doing the other night re police violence, which I understand absolutely despite my light hearted contribution which probably didn't help! They are accountable after all. These are simple, common sense values which we need because as a society we all have to live together and we all need each other. It's not rocket science.

Stuff like scottyboi puts out shouts of gross immaturity and possibly a dysfunctional upbringing - but it doesn't have to be like that. I came out of the East Stand with my daughter at the end of the game on Saturday near where the away fans were and walked up towards where the B of the Bang was. On the right hand side was the newly erected fence and then the horses, and a large crowd was gathered watching the police cuff some guy who was on the floor. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Were we attracted to the crowd - no way - we walked on, over to Asda. For a lot of people, it was a simple choice to get caught up in some of that stuff we saw on the vid, not all obviously, but many were drawn to it. The types like scottyboi I would imagine.

The sport I love was on its knees in the 80's and I don't want it to go back to anything like that. That's why it's important to speak up and against the antics of the mob and all those who glorify them.

I'll stop now as I'm sounding like Nick Clegg.
One thing I will say Monty is not everyone had an upbringing and lovely parents like you had the fortune to have.

I'm not using it as an excuse for being violent but if, like me, you had a Father who attacked you with a hammer on Xmas day because you were playing music too loud and smashed your room up including your record player and you had violence like that on a regular basis it made you slightly angry and more prone to violence yourself.

It wasn't like the Waltons in our house.

I'm a man who avoids trouble now but in the 70's I was a violent 'orrible cant.

I watch videos like that and cringe as I regret a lot of what I did. I also know that back in those days it was so very fucking different. Very scary at times too. Sometimes I wanted to run but couldn't because it would have been worse if you did.
How do I fit into this scheme of 'pricing out the lower classes'? I'm working class, come from an odd family, to say the least , yet I've never so much as looked at an opposition fan in a menacing way and I frown on violence generally.

Does this attitude of mine mean I'm not working class after all? Or should I be banned just in case, because with my genes who knows, maybe my son will one day be the top dog of City's firm?

The working classes may bring some trouble but to be fair, on Saturday I happened to react to Uniteds winner by stating 'fuck me, the twats', I didn't shout it, I simply said it loud enough for me to hear yet I managed to attract a few dirty looks from gimmers in the East level 3 who sat through the match eating crisps and taking photos, generally anything but watching the game. Actually, I'm a hypocrite, because when one of the silver haired toffs looked at me, coupled with the ginger cunts last gasp winner, I'd happily have crushed the posh twat into a tiny ball, put him in his wicker hamper and fucking stamped on it.

Point proven.

Ban the working classes.

On another note, way too many foreigners at City these days. A bloke sat about 5 seats from me was actually black! That's worse than working class! Working class people are hooligans but this guy was clearly a 'Gangsta', a rapper and I'm shocked he didn't shoot anyone. As for the women behind, I'm just glad she didn't have a period all over my head or something. Ghastly creatures women.

Skashion said:
Montgomery Burns said:
Afraid not young man, because you were the idiot who posted up that youtube vid on Friday (since deleted) which showed a mob of yobs kicking the wotsits out of a couple of police. Sure they deserved it, course they did, it was f'in great. Whatever.

I'll keep banging on about it until you apologise for posting the vid. So I expect to be doing it for a while.

Whereas you were the idiot who hoped ticket price increases had priced hooligans out. Yeah, that's the solution to hooliganism; get rid of the working classes, whether they're guilty or not...

I apologise for that comment which was made in character as old Monty Burns in the heat of the moment when under attack from various sources - a release the hounds kind of moment! Of course it's not the answer and if we get £10 tickets and an expanded ground then great, because that's good for the club, for the sport and for the supporters.

But it's not too much to expect that people behave themselves, that I can go to a ground without fear of getting my head kicked in just for supporting the team I love, which was the main reason I stopped going to away games many years ago.

The answer to hooliganism - well compared to the 80's, it's largely been solved in the grounds at least, with better policing and stewarding, CCTV and so on. Outside the grounds is another thing altogether, which is much more difficult to police, but tell me this - why can't young men/boys behave themselves? As one of the posters who is in the army and does tours in Afghanistan said, if they were over there we'd soon see how hard they were. It's easy to be Billy Big Bollocks when you've got all your mates around you, each one egging the other on. It's nothing to do with being working class or to do with class at all; it's to do with how you're brought up. At the risk of doing the three Yorkshireman sketch on Monty Python Jesus Christ we had nothing when I was growing up - I guess it'd be against someones Uman Rights to have an outside bog these days - but whilst we had nothing we knew how to behave ourselves, that's one thing our parents taught us. Right and wrong and all that.

But me, I don't want to see the 80's violence returning for one moment, hence my stance.
Montgomery Burns said:
Skashion said:
Whereas you were the idiot who hoped ticket price increases had priced hooligans out. Yeah, that's the solution to hooliganism; get rid of the working classes, whether they're guilty or not...

I apologise for that comment which was made in character as old Monty Burns in the heat of the moment when under attack from various sources - a release the hounds kind of moment! Of course it's not the answer and if we get £10 tickets and an expanded ground then great, because that's good for the club, for the sport and for the supporters.

But it's not too much to expect that people behave themselves, that I can go to a ground without fear of getting my head kicked in just for supporting the team I love, which was the main reason I stopped going to away games many years ago.

The answer to hooliganism - well compared to the 80's, it's largely been solved in the grounds at least, with better policing and stewarding, CCTV and so on. Outside the grounds is another thing altogether, which is much more difficult to police, but tell me this - why can't young men/boys behave themselves? As one of the posters who is in the army and does tours in Afghanistan said, if they were over there we'd soon see how hard they were. It's easy to be Billy Big Bollocks when you've got all your mates around you, each one egging the other on. It's nothing to do with being working class or to do with class at all; it's to do with how you're brought up. At the risk of doing the three Yorkshireman sketch on Monty Python Jesus Christ we had nothing when I was growing up - I guess it'd be against someones Uman Rights to have an outside bog these days - but whilst we had nothing we knew how to behave ourselves, that's one thing our parents taught us. Right and wrong and all that.

But me, I don't want to see the 80's violence returning for one moment, hence my stance.

I'm a proper working class scrubber but I'm opposed to violence generally and I can proudly inform you that I've never been involved in an act of random violence.

Pricks are pricks, Income doesn't change that.

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