GMP F*** Up Again

mancityvstoke said:
One thing I will say Monty is not everyone had an upbringing and lovely parents like you had the fortune to have.

I'm not using it as an excuse for being violent but if, like me, you had a Father who attacked you with a hammer on Xmas day because you were playing music too loud and smashed your room up including your record player and you had violence like that on a regular basis it made you slightly angry and more prone to violence yourself.

It wasn't like the Waltons in our house.

I'm a man who avoids trouble now but in the 70's I was a violent 'orrible cant.

I watch videos like that and cringe as I regret a lot of what I did. I also know that back in those days it was so very fucking different. Very scary at times too. Sometimes I wanted to run but couldn't because it would have been worse if you did.

I realise that mate - it wasn't the Waltons in our house either believe me, although it wasn't the Grimleys either although the old man did/does have a touch of Baz now I come to think of it.

Of course people are conditioned by their circumstances/surroundings/ upbringing etc but if I slip back into Monty mode about the music - no. I better not!

But you've changed as you say, so have I. I never wanted the upbringing (ruled by fear) I had for my kids and neither did my brother - the mould has to be broken somewhere, sometime, that's all I'm trying to say.
mcfc_die_hard said:
Pigeonho said:
I've been PM'd your age so now I know that i'll cut you some slack. One day, just after your last pube sprouts, you'll probably look back at people like those dicks in the video and you will have the same outlook on it as I do. Once again to clarify, I know all clubs have true hard lads who will actually fight. I have had the pleasure/misfortune, (however you want to look at it), to be introduced to one or two of them before now, and listening to their stories and from seeing things outside Maine Road, I know they exist. In opposition to that though I also know we have a load of wannabe hard men like in that video, and I can't take people like that seriously and to be honest I think they're just wankers. If you are one of those, carry on doing what you're doing until you become unstuck one day and all those 'lads' are no-where to be seen because they've shit it, and ran. After that, you'll realise who is who, and who just talks out of their arse. Sorry for calling you a nobhead earlier too, young and dumb or not, you're still a blue.

fair enough for appologising and im sorry for calling you a muppet but like i said there was obviously trouble brewing no matter what the score simply because of last time but then the last goal sealed it.

if we had nobody there to stand up to them then they would have run around our city our club and our pubs taking the piss because thats what they are like but instead we had people there to stand up to them. even if half the people there would have ran off atleast they was there. you get your nutters at the front that want to do the job and then the more people behind them the better

Exactly. It's our fucking ground so it doesn't matter who you are, that you stayed after last time is good enough. If 10 hard men came down my estate kicking off there might be 10 hard men there to meet them...but you'd expect there to be at least 50 others there standing their ground too.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Montgomery Burns said:
I apologise for that comment which was made in character as old Monty Burns in the heat of the moment when under attack from various sources - a release the hounds kind of moment! Of course it's not the answer and if we get £10 tickets and an expanded ground then great, because that's good for the club, for the sport and for the supporters.

But it's not too much to expect that people behave themselves, that I can go to a ground without fear of getting my head kicked in just for supporting the team I love, which was the main reason I stopped going to away games many years ago.

The answer to hooliganism - well compared to the 80's, it's largely been solved in the grounds at least, with better policing and stewarding, CCTV and so on. Outside the grounds is another thing altogether, which is much more difficult to police, but tell me this - why can't young men/boys behave themselves? As one of the posters who is in the army and does tours in Afghanistan said, if they were over there we'd soon see how hard they were. It's easy to be Billy Big Bollocks when you've got all your mates around you, each one egging the other on. It's nothing to do with being working class or to do with class at all; it's to do with how you're brought up. At the risk of doing the three Yorkshireman sketch on Monty Python Jesus Christ we had nothing when I was growing up - I guess it'd be against someones Uman Rights to have an outside bog these days - but whilst we had nothing we knew how to behave ourselves, that's one thing our parents taught us. Right and wrong and all that.

But me, I don't want to see the 80's violence returning for one moment, hence my stance.

I'm a proper working class scrubber but I'm opposed to violence generally and I can proudly inform you that I've never been involved in an act of random violence.

Pricks are pricks, Income doesn't change that.
Precisely. Some of the biggest pricks are the ones with loads o' money. They might not steal your money by robbing your house but they may well have done it in a different way - bankers anybody?

Money don't buy you manners that's for sure.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:28 pm --<br /><br />
scottyboi said:
I ain't apologising for fuck all you bitter old man.

I didn't expect you too. No more than you expect me to stop reminding everyone that you are the disgusting yob who proudly posted up a youtube vid which showed a mob attacking two police, one a woman IIRC. Who caused one Bluemoon member, Bluetel, a copper, to resign from the board in disgust at what you did.

See I've done it again! Come back with another witty retort and I'll do it again as well. As often as I want. All it takes is time and I've got plenty of that.
Montgomery Burns said:
Skashion said:
Whereas you were the idiot who hoped ticket price increases had priced hooligans out. Yeah, that's the solution to hooliganism; get rid of the working classes, whether they're guilty or not...

I apologise for that comment which was made in character as old Monty Burns in the heat of the moment when under attack from various sources - a release the hounds kind of moment! Of course it's not the answer and if we get £10 tickets and an expanded ground then great, because that's good for the club, for the sport and for the supporters.

But it's not too much to expect that people behave themselves, that I can go to a ground without fear of getting my head kicked in just for supporting the team I love, which was the main reason I stopped going to away games many years ago.

The answer to hooliganism - well compared to the 80's, it's largely been solved in the grounds at least, with better policing and stewarding, CCTV and so on. Outside the grounds is another thing altogether, which is much more difficult to police, but tell me this - why can't young men/boys behave themselves? As one of the posters who is in the army and does tours in Afghanistan said, if they were over there we'd soon see how hard they were. It's easy to be Billy Big Bollocks when you've got all your mates around you, each one egging the other on. It's nothing to do with being working class or to do with class at all; it's to do with how you're brought up. At the risk of doing the three Yorkshireman sketch on Monty Python Jesus Christ we had nothing when I was growing up - I guess it'd be against someones Uman Rights to have an outside bog these days - but whilst we had nothing we knew how to behave ourselves, that's one thing our parents taught us. Right and wrong and all that.

But me, I don't want to see the 80's violence returning for one moment, hence my stance.

Fair play to you for apologising for it and stating that you'd like cheaper ticket prices.

I've got a question for you though with regards to young boys/men behaving themselves. When I was sixteen, I couldn't get a ticket to the last game at Maine Road but I came anyway because I wanted to be there. Strange though it may seem to some, I had a lot of affection for Maine Road. Affection I still don't have for Eastlands. Anyway, I ended up outside the ground with a few hundred people and we made a party of it. Chanting, singing, having some drink (yes, underage drinking in my case that is) etc. Great laugh. After the end of the game we decided to go to the gate to see if they would let us, which they didn't. Some of the people there decided to try and break in. I wasn't one of them incidentally. The police then intervened and gradually pushed us back towards Claremont with some people throwing missiles at the police. Again, I wasn't one of them but I was part of the group caught up in it. The group split up before we got to Claremont and ran down the numerous back alleys on either side and attempted to get back to the gate by going around the police line. I was amongst those trying to get back to the gate. A dog handler, on his own, prevents me and a friend, on our own, from going back to the gate. I had a few words about it being the last game and they should let us in etc. He told us to do one. Then me and my friend just walked away and that was the end of that. Should I be banned for life for being a violent football hooligan? That's the only 'incident' (which it barely was) I've ever been involved in by the way. Hopefully my otherwise unblemished record will count in my favour. I await your judgement with trepidation.
Montgomery Burns said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm a proper working class scrubber but I'm opposed to violence generally and I can proudly inform you that I've never been involved in an act of random violence.

Pricks are pricks, Income doesn't change that.
Precisely. Some of the biggest pricks are the ones with loads o' money. They might not steal your money by robbing your house but they may well have done it in a different way - bankers anybody?

Money don't buy you manners that's for sure.

-- Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:28 pm --

scottyboi said:
I ain't apologising for fuck all you bitter old man.

I didn't expect you too. No more than you expect me to stop reminding everyone that you are the disgusting yob who proudly posted up a youtube vid which showed a mob attacking two police, one a woman IIRC. Who caused one Bluemoon member, Bluetel, a copper, to resign from the board in disgust at what you did.

See I've done it again! Come back with another witty retort and I'll do it again as well. As often as I want. All it takes is time and I've got plenty of that.

It was on Bravo both coppers were men so stop chatting shit cocker. And both were ok afterwards. Nice try at shit stirring.
Anyone who boasts about causing trouble at City games should fuck off to the lower leagues where they still enjoy that sort of shit. You are not welcome and the path City are taking you will not be missed. In fact you will be replaced by people who don't feel the need to act like a complete bellend at matches.
Skashion said:
Montgomery Burns said:
I apologise for that comment which was made in character as old Monty Burns in the heat of the moment when under attack from various sources - a release the hounds kind of moment! Of course it's not the answer and if we get £10 tickets and an expanded ground then great, because that's good for the club, for the sport and for the supporters.

But it's not too much to expect that people behave themselves, that I can go to a ground without fear of getting my head kicked in just for supporting the team I love, which was the main reason I stopped going to away games many years ago.

The answer to hooliganism - well compared to the 80's, it's largely been solved in the grounds at least, with better policing and stewarding, CCTV and so on. Outside the grounds is another thing altogether, which is much more difficult to police, but tell me this - why can't young men/boys behave themselves? As one of the posters who is in the army and does tours in Afghanistan said, if they were over there we'd soon see how hard they were. It's easy to be Billy Big Bollocks when you've got all your mates around you, each one egging the other on. It's nothing to do with being working class or to do with class at all; it's to do with how you're brought up. At the risk of doing the three Yorkshireman sketch on Monty Python Jesus Christ we had nothing when I was growing up - I guess it'd be against someones Uman Rights to have an outside bog these days - but whilst we had nothing we knew how to behave ourselves, that's one thing our parents taught us. Right and wrong and all that.

But me, I don't want to see the 80's violence returning for one moment, hence my stance.

Fair play to you for apologising for it and stating that you'd like cheaper ticket prices.

I've got a question for you though with regards to young boys/men behaving themselves. When I was sixteen, I couldn't get a ticket to the last game at Maine Road but I came anyway because I wanted to be there. Strange though it may seem to some, I had a lot of affection for Maine Road. Affection I still don't have for Eastlands. Anyway, I ended up outside the ground with a few hundred people and we made a party of it. Chanting, singing, having some drink (yes, underage drinking in my case that is) etc. Great laugh. After the end of the game we decided to go to the gate to see if they would let us, which they didn't. Some of the people there decided to try and break in. I wasn't one of them incidentally. The police then intervened and gradually pushed us back towards Claremont with some people throwing missiles at the police. Again, I wasn't one of them but I was part of the group caught up in it. The group split up before we got to Claremont and ran down the numerous back alleys on either side and attempted to get back to the gate by going around the police line. I was amongst those trying to get back to the gate. A dog handler, on his own, prevents me and a friend, on our own, from going back to the gate. I had a few words about it being the last game and they should let us in etc. He told us to do one. Then me and my friend just walked away and that was the end of that. Should I be banned for life for being a violent football hooligan? That's the only 'incident' (which it barely was) I've ever been involved in by the way. Hopefully my otherwise unblemished record will count in my favour. I await your judgement with trepidation.


You have every reason to be in trepidation as I'm in Monty Burns mode right now so am slipping back into unreasonableness and meglomania. I'm just about to press the button that releases the trap door that will send you hurtling towards ......

No, back to me.

In its literal sense from what you've described there's no reason for you to have been arrested - the policeman had the chance if he had chosen to do so, but for what? Your unblemished record remains!

I guess you're maybe trying to link the events you describe to the scenes outside the ground on Saturday (apologies if I'm wrong) but they seem to me to be on an entirely different level, as you've described it - although having witnessed neither properly it's difficult to say.

People do daft things when they're growing up, it's part of the learning process after all. Some things worse than others. But there's a world of difference between doing something daft once or twice and being a bad 'un - don't ask me to describe a bad 'un please!

I'm not trying to come up with a solution for world peace here or say everyone has got to be Mr or Mrs Wonderful - I got dragged into all this on either Thursday or Friday when scottyboi put up hopefully his now infamous Youtube vid which showed two coppers getting a kicking and wasn't it great. That's what started all of this off for me and whilst I don't regret standing up against up for what I believe I must say it's a darn sight easier keeping quiet!

Regards anyway from an embittered Old Git!<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:54 pm --<br /><br />
scottyboi said:
Montgomery Burns said:
Precisely. Some of the biggest pricks are the ones with loads o' money. They might not steal your money by robbing your house but they may well have done it in a different way - bankers anybody?

Money don't buy you manners that's for sure.

-- Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:28 pm --

I didn't expect you too. No more than you expect me to stop reminding everyone that you are the disgusting yob who proudly posted up a youtube vid which showed a mob attacking two police, one a woman IIRC. Who caused one Bluemoon member, Bluetel, a copper, to resign from the board in disgust at what you did.

See I've done it again! Come back with another witty retort and I'll do it again as well. As often as I want. All it takes is time and I've got plenty of that.

It was on Bravo both coppers were men so stop chatting shit cocker. And both were ok afterwards. Nice try at shit stirring.

I'm pleased they were - physically at least. What about mentally though - don't suppose you care for one moment, since they're the Filth after all. I mean, you didn't post it because you thought it was terrible did you?

You might have got rid of Bluetel but I'm not going anyway - so I'll continue to remind people what an unpleasant yob you are.
lmao infamous video? its been out for years. Stop playing the martyr its tiring.
Not posting on this subject again now but feel free to carry on.
If it helps you feel better I watched it again just for a laugh.(joking!!!!)

In F.A watch we trust!
scottyboi said:
lmao infamous video? its been out for years. Stop playing the martyr its tiring.
Not posting on this subject again now but feel free to carry on.
If it helps you feel better I watched it again just for a laugh.(joking!!!!)

In F.A watch we trust!
You should promise not to attend another City game instead.
scottyboi said:
lmao infamous video? its been out for years. Stop playing the martyr its tiring.

For you maybe, but not for me!

scottyboi said:
Not posting on this subject again now but feel free to carry on.

I will!

scottyboi said:
In F.A watch we trust!

We might have been able to do something if only you'd have been bothered to help out. Your letter writing skills could have proved invaluable.

Better to have tried and failed than not be arsed about it in the first place.

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