

Well-Known Member
16 Apr 2009
Most people have seen the programme. If not, at the end of the show, there is an accumulated amount, and the two remaining players have to choose whether they want to SPLIT or Steal. If both spilt, they split the amount. If one splits and one steals, the person who steals wins the amount. If both Steal, they each go away with nothing.

Therefore, the question is,

What would YOU do?

For me, i'd steal all day, even if the other person was a babe. I'd be happier going away with nothing through both stealing than going away with nothing having been stole from
Went on BlueKipper once posing as Joleon's Back 'Eader (not been back since the transfer) and posed the same question to Everton fans. If you were in the final with Bill Kenwright, would he split or steal? It made for a merry hour or two of mirth.
They was taliking about this on QI the other week (not so much goldenballs but the same concept) and you have a better chance of winning money if you choose to split, not sure how that works coz I missed the bit where Stephen Fry explained himself (sorry)...

Piss poor programme though if u ask me guys!
scottyboi said:
id split. If someone stole off me i would cut their jugular vein and go prison.
He-He me too!!
After nailing the bastards balls to the chair :)
Steal everytime.

How gutted would you be if you chose to split on something like £4,000 and the other person stole. At least if you steal you won't be cheated out of the money.

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