Greeting British future in-laws

Where is the original thread? I'm trying to show that clip of the fake fanny to my wife.
If someone can point me in the right direction I would be much obliged.
Hi everyone. I shall be meeting my daughters British fiancé and his dad in person for the first time next week. They are British and I want to be welcomed warmly but without inadvertently breaching etiquette. I’ve never been to England or anywhere outside my home country.

From Googling, I believe the correct way to greet the British is usually informal in social settings & first names are commonly used in social introductions. When greeting each other, close friends may hug or kiss one another on the cheek, while others may simply offer a nod is this correct?

If he is a Tory though, is it socially acceptable to give him a quick kick in the bollocks?

As for his dad, should I shake his hand? Or just exchange polite niceties about the weather, even though it will be freezing and pissing down?

Thanks folks. And while I usually appreciate irreverent answers as much as anyone, can we please be aware of sensitivities?
Smile and shake his hand. Don’t discuss politics but talk about the weather as much as you like.

And for christ sake don’t say “there are some things I like about your country”, which was what my wife’s NY cousin said on his one and only visit to stay with us. He will not be invited back.
You must apologise, almost apoplectically, about the slave trade, we were all responsible you know.
PM @Mad Eyed Screamer or @jimharri., mate. They're the best mods to contact for anything off topic. MES will probably be asleep now, if he isn't he's probably ogling a morrisey poster whilst knocking one off the wrist; )

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