blue b4 the moon
Well-Known Member
No words....
@johnny crossan nips in to take first place in the session.
Overall @Gabriel takes over on top of the cumulative table.
2 sessions to go this season with hopefully a final session being possibly a long one leading to being CWC .
First game of a new session, remember predicted score is 90 mins.
Updated Table Session 3 Game 12
*johnny crossan 298+17=315...............10 points
Gabriel 299+15=314..........................9 points
david whites spike 297+16=313.............8 points
blue b4 the moon 295+11=306..............7 points
*St.Pauli support 295+10=305...............6 points
kbb 288+14=302...............................5 points
ONTHERUNWITHTHASKIN 285+15=300.....4 points
Blue Bogey 284+13=297......................3 points
vulcan 287+9=296.............................2 points
simmo 277+15=292............................1 point
RobMCFC 278+13=291
Kunlover 268+7=275
Legal Alien 254+9=263
*hihosilva 231+8=239
It'sBlue93:20 69+4=73
The Black Shed 34+4=38
Cumulative Table after Session 3
Gabriel ...................................26 Points
kbb ........................................24 Points
blue b4 the moon .......................22 Points
St.Pauli support .........................21 Points
david whites spike ......................17 Points
johnny crossan ...........................15 Points
ONTHERUNWITHTHASKIN ................9 Points
RobMCFC ...................................9 Points
simmo ......................................9 Points
vulcan ......................................5 Points
Blue Bogey..................................3 Points
Kunlover ....................................3 Points
Legal Alien..................................2 Points
@johnny crossan nips in to take first place in the session.
Overall @Gabriel takes over on top of the cumulative table.
2 sessions to go this season with hopefully a final session being possibly a long one leading to being CWC .
First game of a new session, remember predicted score is 90 mins.
Updated Table Session 3 Game 12
*johnny crossan 298+17=315...............10 points
Gabriel 299+15=314..........................9 points
david whites spike 297+16=313.............8 points
blue b4 the moon 295+11=306..............7 points
*St.Pauli support 295+10=305...............6 points
kbb 288+14=302...............................5 points
ONTHERUNWITHTHASKIN 285+15=300.....4 points
Blue Bogey 284+13=297......................3 points
vulcan 287+9=296.............................2 points
simmo 277+15=292............................1 point
RobMCFC 278+13=291
Kunlover 268+7=275
Legal Alien 254+9=263
*hihosilva 231+8=239
It'sBlue93:20 69+4=73
The Black Shed 34+4=38
Cumulative Table after Session 3
Gabriel ...................................26 Points
kbb ........................................24 Points
blue b4 the moon .......................22 Points
St.Pauli support .........................21 Points
david whites spike ......................17 Points
johnny crossan ...........................15 Points
ONTHERUNWITHTHASKIN ................9 Points
RobMCFC ...................................9 Points
simmo ......................................9 Points
vulcan ......................................5 Points
Blue Bogey..................................3 Points
Kunlover ....................................3 Points
Legal Alien..................................2 Points