It is not the envy of the world.
I used to live beside a nice Greek family. They said they loved it in Britain but they thought the health service is awful. That was
the stand-out bad thing about this country and that’s the general impression of Britain in other countries.
I’ve had a fair bit of experience of having to access the NHS. NHS staff are great, hard working and caring people from what I’ve experienced. But by fuck do they get a lot of things wrong (probably from being understaffed, underpaid, overstretched and overworked).
I have some bad experiences and have heard of others having worse experiences with the NHS.
I had blood clots on my lungs that started in September last year which I was hospitalised with in October. I was hospitalised for a second time in January, and they admitted to me that they’d had me on the wrong medication for three months and that’s why I wasn’t getting better. These blood clots could have killed me at any point.
I had to be kept in hospital for two days a few years ago due to a severe ear infection. When the Nurse put the needle in to put a drip into me, my blood spurted out all over the bed and the floor as the Nurse had to have two goes at it. Yet that blood was not cleaned up the whole time I was in there (36 hours).
I was in A&E in September and a woman threw up all over the floor of the waiting room - it was a proper pints of chunder all over the place. Nobody came to clean it up for 45 minutes. That was a smelly, horrible 45 minutes of my 14 HOUR wait to be seen!
My Mother had to have some blood taken at the MRI a few years ago. At her appointment to get the results she was informed they’d lost the blood sample she gave and that she needed to go to Trafford General to have another blood sample taken. Instead of being informed of this before taking the time to go to the MRI, she wasn’t informed until the actual appointment and was told she’ll have to book an appointment at a different hospital across the other side of the city that she couldn’t get booked in for another SIX WEEKS! In the meantime, what had happened to her initial blood sample? It could have been used in someone else’s diagnosis for all we know.
A friend’s daughter has a lung disease and she’s had years of appointments being cancelled. Despite this disease getting worse, the hospital have stopped rescheduling these appointments and have told them to go back to the GP to book another one. What fucking warped way of working is this?! Why can’t she book the appointment through the department she’s supposed to be using at the hospital? It makes no sense at all that she has to go back to the GP at the local Dr’s surgery to book the appointment at the hospital? What’s going on?!
A lad I went to university with was meant to have an operation on his leg but they gave him the wrong operation and removed a lot of his calf muscle which was an operation meant for another patient.
And this is just from what I know as an individual, how many bad stories could you collate from every citizen on this island? We all make mistakes but, from what I’ve seen from the NHS, they happen far too often. And unfathomable things occur with no reasoning.
It’s not good enough.