Harry Kane

I understand that Vlahovic is the exciting 'Championship Manager signing', but £70 million for someone who has had one decent season in Italy is crazy money.

I remember when people had a fit because we'd bid €40m for a 17 year old at Monaco and it was rejected.

A year later he moved for €165m.

When strikers are at that age they go from zero to world class in about 18 months. Haaland goes from nobody to €150m's a bargain in the same time frame. Kane went from couldn't get in a championship side to England's number 9 and Spurs won't sell for any price between 21 and 22.

I don't know much about Vlahovic, it's not my job to know how good he is. But I don't give a shit about his age, or his lack of experience, or his price. These aren't valid arguments if the people in charge think he's good enough.
Erm...right...heard a little bit of info. As always, the disclaimer: there's always a chance info could be wrong, but once again, I trust the person who told me as they work within the game, and they've told me loads before correctly.

They messaged me on Saturday morning saying that they've heard that City want Kane, yes, obviously, but key bit is not as much as Pep personally wants Kane and Pep is very much the driver behind the move. The catch is now apparently that the club would prefer a 'project' striker like Vlahovic.

That's all I've heard. I've don't know the reasoning, so all I can do is my guess - i'd say maybe it's the price? Kane at a reasonable price? Sure? At the numbers quoted? Nah, Vlahovic.

Sorry if that's just a repeat of what is already out in the world, or not - I hand on heart don't know as I'm 100% not really sure where we're up to with this Kane stuff as I've been away and intensely busy personally for the last few days! I was getting married when that message came through heh.

As always, just passing it on in good faith to you guys. Fuck knows what will happen. If it's true though that it's mainly a Pep thing, it doesn't really fill me with joy regarding the Kane chances, but who knows I guess.
Congrats mate on saving money on tissue ;)
The pure shameless theatrics and shithousery at that Everton game should've won him a Golden Globe, let alone a premier league medal.

Ha ha funny as fuck that header against Everton after Aguero had gone off injured was one of the wildest celebrations I have been involved in
With the rumoured valuations of £150 million for Kane and £70 million for Vlahovic, you could argue that both are overpriced by at least £30 million.

I understand that Vlahovic is the exciting 'Championship Manager signing', but £70 million for someone who has had one decent season in Italy is crazy money. It's even crazier when you consider better, more proven strikers have been sold this summer for a fraction of the price.

I'd rather we just give Delap a chance rather than spend that sort of money on an unknown quantity.

What's championship manager?

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