Hash Brownies


Well-Known Member
10 Nov 2008
Hanging in the Bluemoon Gym
Has anyway ever made these? Im off this afternoon, got an ounce of some potent pollen, and have thought about becoming the Jamie Oliver of the cannabis world today.

Are they as nice as some sites on the interent say or are they overrated?

Has anyone cooked anything with cannabis before that was scrumdiddlyumptious or they can recommend if Brownies are wrong?
They are really nice but affect you in a completely different way. Once went ten pin bowling after eating two of the fuckers and ended up sliding on my arse down the bowling aisle. Then went home, briefly understood modern jazz, ate the entire contents of the fridge and slept like a donkey.
Sultana of Brunei said:
They are really nice but affect you in a completely different way. Once went ten pin bowling after eating two of the fuckers and ended up sliding on my arse down the bowling aisle. Then went home, briefly understood modern jazz, ate the entire contents of the fridge and slept like a donkey.

Thats exactly what i wanted to hear.

I made some hash fairy cakes a while back and the bird, who has never touched the stuff, thought she'd try a couple. She was trying to convince me she wasn't feeling anything, but she soon got the munchies. Rather than raiding the cupboards for some crisps or chocolate, she decided the answer was more cakes! 7 more cakes later and she was green. I swear, it is the funniest thing i have ever seen, but i'd have pissed myself at anything that night.

Your bowling incident sounds like a belter too. Made me chuckle, but will have to come back on later tonight and read it again, im sure it'll sound even funnier.

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