HD-Bellieve in better - PART 2 is it better in plasma?

Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

fbloke said:
I had a couple of mates who went out and bought new tele's and subscribed to HD for the world cup.

They were really disappointed as it wasn't that good.

As I love my HD set-up i went round to see what theirs were like.

Both had bought HD Ready TVs not HD TV's so word to the wise make sure you get a decent TV as well.

And in my opinion it is amazing the difference it makes but I bought an expensive TV as well.

Excuse my ignorance but what exactly the difference between HD Ready TV and HD TV's, I thught all new decent tele's were suitable for HD?

Bit of a mixed bag but general recommendations seem to be 40 to 50 inches and to stick with sky. Virgin have only just got permission to show HD sports and may charge extra for it yet.
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

Word is that Sky will be ditching the £10 charge for HD at the start of the season. This is due to Virgin Media showing HD channels as part of their standard packages (i.e. no extra charge).

Under Virgin, if you subscribe to the sports pack you will get the HD Sky Sports channels for no extra cost (when they launch on the platform).
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

HD is much better than SD and i personally would never go back to SD. Its only a tenner extra a month and now most of the big channels have HD ones i watch everything in HD nearly. I hate going round to a mates house and having to watch things in SD!

Football, Rugby and other sports in 3D are awesome but its going to take a good 5-7 years to catch on for people to want to get 3D in their homes and sit watchin tv with stupid glasses on!
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

Is it worth 32p a day?

Not just the picture but the sound as well - stuck mine through an Onkyo amp with 5:1 surround and a separate Sub Woofer.
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

Bluemoonbaldboy said:
Most people I know who got HD have then cancelled when the contract was up it doesn't make the difference some claim. With the way the technology is moving HD will be history within a few years and people have spent quite a bit will need to do so again as 3d takes over
Not a chance 3D will catch on until the 3D image is being processed without the requirement of those glasses. Then you have to consider the price of producing such a television, elementary 3D tv's with very little advanced technology in them (3D as we have now has been around for years) are over £2000 minimum. I'd say over £5000 when/if the technology first becomes available, could be over 10 years could be next month, but selling such televisions to the masses for reasonable cost is going to take many years.
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

HD on an LCD TV is better than normal LCD TV. It makes LCD TV about as clear as TV used to be on the old CRT sets.

For some reason so many people were desperate to get the new large screen, trendy flat TVs that they were willing to put up with the poor, blurred, smudgy picture quality and restricted viewing angles, and now HD has come along to return them to about the same picture quality they previously had.
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

I was a bit dubious so i watched Holland - first half downstairs, second upstairs

I went up and down a few times

I can only describe it as looking at a computer game on HD

It look's 'blurry' on normal def now.
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

salfordblue-tony2 said:
A simple question for all of you with sky sports with high defination is it worth it. Firtsly with the quality, is it that much better and secondly with the cost an extra £10 a month, or £20 if youtake multiroom option?
Please bear in mind I'm a season ticket holder and will probably see half the matches on it in person anyway.
Thanks in advance.

Yes - much better. Looks great on my 46" Bravia anyway
Re: HD-Bellieve in better - is it better ?

HD really is massively better on big telly's - the quality of Free-to-air TV took a MASSIVE step backward when it went from Analog to Digital - any scenes where there is reasonably amount of movement/change degrade into a pile of jaggy blocks because of the ridiculously high compression rate of SD Digital TV. Those silly adverts for Digital TV (remember the manc in the big silver van and his little robot partner) were carefully crafted to have little movement on the screen so the jaggy blocks did not appear...

HD provides the bandwidth to solve this EVEN without the increase in resolution - which is good too - so its a double whammy.

On the flip side though, Sky screw you twice over for HD though. Unlike Virgin.... :-)

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