
Yeah, I was thinking that, what if you peer down and see some reprobate back scuttling your Mrs over the expensive sofa you worked your tripes out for?

Then you missed out and in fact you have gone to hell. :-)
Ancient Citizen said:
What is your view of the paradise in the sky? I think it'd be boring as fuck, I mean you can only drink so much ale and do so many drugs before you fall off your cloud, then what about the following day? Is it a place where your every whim is granted just by thinking about it, or do have to queue for fucking ages behind countless billions of the previously deceased to get a chit off the Big Fella to present at the Angels storeroom?
Do you have to be nice to everyone in there or can you twat anybody who'se getting on your tits, without fear of repercussions?
How good do you have to be to get there, is it like the 11 plus, where you may just scrape in by a single correct answer, and if you just failed do you get permanently basted at 250 degrees for eternity down below?
Deep philosophical replies only, please.

In heaven there is no drink, drugs, gambling,football or fornication,you pray all day and plant trees with nuns...

that's about it..
Len Rum said:
You shake off your mortal coil and your soul floats around and you praise God and live in a state of eternal bliss.
What's difficult to understand about this.

I like your thinking

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