Hey YOU! why are you a city fan?

Cause im hoping one day, our owners will be that rich they will give all season ticket holders 200k for a thankyou :)
Born in Salford, so 3 choices.

1. Support City
2. Support Utd
3. Slit my throat.

Come to think of it, 2 wasn't an option.
My parents are season ticket holders at City, but whilst we were growing up they took a liberal, laissez fair approach to football, like the bleeding heart Guardian readers they are, haha. Such an approach is anathema to me now that I\\\'m a father myself; the second my son tells me he wants to support United, or indeed anyone that\\\'s not City, is the day he\\\'s old enough to fend for himself. I\\\'ll have to show him the door, that\\\'ll learn him. Regardless of age. Anyway, I digress.

As a result of this approach our kid ended up as a United fan (the red sheep of the family, as I politely call him - my real term of \\\"endearment\\\" for him isn\\\'t appropriate for a family forum, especially one that I know he reads), and in my early years (3-5) he tried to sway me to the dark side. Luckily I was so apathetic about football then that his advances were spurned. After that my best mate at primary school encouraged me to be a Liverpool fan, but it wasn\\\'t until my dad took me to City v Liverpool (Boxing Day, 1986) that I finally fully embraced City, aged 8. We beat the 4 times European champions 1-0 thanks to a Clive Wilson goal, and my mind was made up. If we can beat Liverpool, we must be brillliant, right?

Cheers, dad. Every crushing defeat that we\'ve endured subsequently I hold you fully responsible for. I wouldn\\\'t have it any other way though. That what does not kill us, etc and so on.
I was playing browsing about messing around .. and decided to get watch soccer .. got hooked after the World Cup and watching Germany as the first team I ever watched. Decided hmm .. I think I will give it a try seems like a right good ol sport. Picked up FIFA ... Saw City and United and then though to myself ... Who the fuck are united? etc. etc. CTID!
I have no idea.

I ask myself that very same question every day.

But i wouldn't have it any other way, CTID.
not one red in my family apart from my welsh grandad, typical. I tried being a rag when i was younger but i soon grew out of it. Now bringin the next generation through as blue. If one day he tells me he's a rag he's out on his ear! Still, he has every city kit since he was born, sings robinho songs, says man city about 20 times a day and can't physically say the word United. win.
LIZARD said:
I had a thread like this ages ago and seeing now that the fouroms is full of new members

i thought i would ask why your a city fan?

was you born into it,or did you just pick city as your team?

For me personaly i fancied a girl at school who was a mad city fan,and decided i would

support city too,i slowly became infected with the blue madness and now find myself sneaking

on skysports to see if we have signed anyone at 3:00am in the morning..

its caused me great pain and joy over the years like when them rag bastards were chanting

"were going to wembley and your going to endsleigh".

But we all wouldnt change, someone once said on this fourom that we dont pick to be city

fans we get chosen.


What we really wanna know is did you shag her? Come on, did ya?
I was taken to my first game by my Mum and Dad when I was 6, so I had no choice really. I don't remember much about the actual game, but I think it was Peter Swales' last game as chairman and all the fans were chanting for him out, 15 years later and there's still never been a dull day!

I was one of a very small number of City fans in my school, they were all reds, as were most of my mates. The abuse and bullying I suffered, went on all my childhood! The worst was the Second Division days, never lived it down. But even though United were winning everything, part of me used to think it would have been so easy just to go and support them instead, but it's just impossible. It really is in your blood and even if you wanted to, you could never leave the Blues. Besides, I wouldn't have it any other way. Now, we might just be on the verge of real success, and, just like my Dad has told me all about the glory days of the past, I'll be able to tell my kids that I was there when it all started. And even if, in typical City style, it does all go wrong, at least I'll be able to tell them all about the genius that was Georgi Kinkladze.

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