Hip Hop/Rap Appreciation thread

Blitz the Ambassador - Shine

Blitz the Ambassador ft. Kate Mattison & Bajah - Nothing to lose

Liked the first first better. The second is a bit clashy, but I like the idea behind it. Kinda reminded me of the band I was in making similar sounds via a Jazz based fusion. Needs refining and strpping, but it's all good.

Not been here ina minute, but I thought I'd drop this. Not sure if it was ever a 'banger', but it rides well, just not quite at the level it needs to be, imho.

Liked the first first better. The second is a bit clashy, but I like the idea behind it. Kinda reminded me of the band I was in making similar sounds via a Jazz based fusion. Needs refining and strpping, but it's all good.

Not been here ina minute, but I thought I'd drop this. Not sure if it was ever a 'banger', but it rides well, just not quite at the level it needs to be, imho.

I tried to give the Consortium more time of day in the past, but found myself being thrown off at times by their use of electronics overkill, here n there.

Probably more to do with my listening preferences than trying to find fault at their door.

I did however dig the 'Tragic Epilogue' album as it had a totally underground old skool feel n vibe to it, bar flows n beats... Also liked some of the 2001 'Shopping Carts Crashing' album.
Beanie Sigel - Feel it in the air

Beanie Sigel _ The truth

Beanie Sigel - Mack woman

Beans is one of my all-time favourite rappers. I started listening to him when Paper Soldiers and the first State Property film came out. I think this was around the same time the Dynasty album by Jay-Z came out and he was on 1800 Hustler (something like that) Either way its been a while.

Does some great work, shame Jay never let him join G-Unit records before Beans got shot as I'm sure he'd of had a masterpiece of an album with them.

Love the B Coming album, despite him being annoyed by Dame releasing it without his say-so as he was locked up.

Was hoping the Back Block Boyz group he was forming with young chris , Mike Knox and other philly rappers would of gone somewhere (I even asked Knox on insta) but seems they've all had a changed of heart, the first song they did i've linked below


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