Hottest day in the history of ever tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
23 Jul 2005
So it's supposed to be quite nice tomorrow, for those who don't have to go to work, how do you spend the day? Or more to the point, where?
Tomorrows plan is in the back garden in the sun until about 12.00 when the sun goes behind the trees then in for lunch & Le tour when it gets crazy hot.

Sounds great apart from it's more of a back yard in Chadderton at the moment & the tree is a big fucker in the school yard behind.
Tomorrows plan is in the back garden in the sun until about 12.00 when the sun goes behind the trees then in for lunch & Le tour when it gets crazy hot.

Sounds great apart from it's more of a back yard in Chadderton at the moment & the tree is a big fucker in the school yard behind.
Chop it down whilst they’re on school holidays, and say it blew don in the storm
Horrible while at work.
Brilliant after work.
Better than rain though.
If only we could wear shorts at work
Chop it down whilst they’re on school holidays, and say it blew don in the storm
It's that big it'd take the house with it.

Had to threaten the school last winter when branches started landing in the yard, they did send a tree surgeon to look and trim it but there's a gate for the kids to get in next to'll kill someone eventually. Hopefully we'll have moved by the time next term begins so it'll be someone else's problem.
It's that big it'd take the house with it.

Had to threaten the school last winter when branches started landing in the yard, they did send a tree surgeon to look and trim it but there's a gate for the kids to get in next to'll kill someone eventually. Hopefully we'll have moved by the time next term begins so it'll be someone else's problem.

Be careful. We have a big fucker of a tree in our school grounds and some grumpy old fucker took a saw to it. Turns out it was a listed tree and he got in right shit.

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