How do we resolve the Brexit mess?


Thanks for the advice though, always appreciated.

If you as a leave voter think it was a stupid idea you are better placed to persuade others than a smug "I told you so" remainiac.

What are you doing to correct the outcome of your stupidity?
Any examples of racists that voted remain?

You want me to name business owners who like making money out of cheaper employees from abroad. Unless you think all business folks by default are morally sound individuals.

We have had this over the years and eventually even the remainers admit some woukd vote in preference to.their wallets rather than their prejudice.

Then a daft donk brings it up again at a later date, usually one that has spent years moaning about dishonesty from the other side.

I mean someone even mentioned obsession before, a remainer haha. The self awareness on this subject never ceases to amuse l.

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