Love steak snobs. Constantly telling me how i should like my steak.
How does how i like my steak affect their preference?
The thing is, i've tried all levels of a cooked steak. No by choice, but by the simple fact as steaks thickness varies, so do chef's skill levels.
So i've eaten practically raw steaks and cremated steaks, and everything in between.
French chefs decided a good few decades ago, that the leaner the steak, the better the quality/taste.
It was all about the flavours added during cooking.
So the steak snobs followed suit and started to demanded leaner and leaner steaks.
Basically any fat was seen as impure and rejected.
The old dear who bought the marbled and full fat steak was ridiculed and laughed at.
Her response would be she liked what she liked.
Then at some point, some top chef broke ranks and declared lean meat as tasteless.
This started the new trend for marbled meat.
We are now at the point that almost pure fat marbled steaks are the most highly prized.
Anybody remember that stupid craze for dipping veg in hot water for a few seconds and calling them cooked?
The food elite jumped on it and declared anybody who actually wanted their veg properly cooked were Neanderthals.
Yeh, food snobs are that stupid...