How long will Ten Hag last at United? / Save Poundland Pep/ Success!

Lots of positives for me. As Paul Scholes said, united were the better team, and bear in mind that its a patched up squad with many injuries. In the great nited dna tradition, all those youngsters who came through the academy played great today. Unlucky not be ahead at half time with good chances narrowly missed.

Just one more corner to turn and they will be facing the right way again.

In Ten Hag we trust.
On the touch line he looks like the ghost of Christmas past, Ole, LVG, Moyes ect ect.In a word, clueless
Ten bob is my all time favourite rag manager..stick with him rags he'll find the United way
He's introduced another young player from the Academy conveyor belt who will be the new Marcel Desailly, he has turned Scott McTominay into a world class talent, he has unearthed a gem in Johnny Evans - who ever thought he could play at this level? This is a team that will dominate for the next ten years if they can just stick with Ten Bob for 10 more years.
Lots of positives for me. As Paul Scholes said, united were the better team, and bear in mind that its a patched up squad with many injuries. In the great nited dna tradition, all those youngsters who came through the academy played great today. Unlucky not be ahead at half time with good chances narrowly missed.

Just one more corner to turn and they will be facing the right way again.

In Ten Hag we trust.
I agree ; Johhny F slotted in seamlessly - he looked just as clueless as the rest of them
Just a blip, after all he was Manager of the Month in November.

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