How smelly are your farts?

Mr Fraser

Well-Known Member
21 Mar 2018
According to the daily fail [forgive me] beef, pork, poultry, garlic, onions, artificial sweeteners, and vegetables [so everything really] make your farts smelly. Personally mine are smelly but the dogs are
According to the daily fail [forgive me] beef, pork, poultry, garlic, onions, artificial sweeteners, and vegetables [so everything really] make your farts smelly. Personally mine are smelly but the dogs are
Enough to not post a full sentence?
On some sort of medication for diabetes to bring my sugars down and I swear if farting was an Olympic sport, I'd be on the podium. Unfortunately my taste and sense of smell is shot at so dont know is the answer....
What meds, if you don’t mind my asking?
I’m on that. Only one a day now but at the start, in 2021, it was three a day and I thought I was like a balloon just constantly letting out air.

Was pretty good actually.
I started on one a day for a fortnight just test the water so to speak then went to two. I can fart the first four bars of the national anthem soon after a meal. Faggots and marrowfat peas lets me do the full version of Bohemian Rhapsody.
I started on one a day for a fortnight just test the water so to speak then went to two. I can fart the first four bars of the national anthem soon after a meal. Faggots and marrowfat peas lets me do the full version of Bohemian Rhapsody.
That’s proper old school grub that.

I don’t even know if I’m meant to be on them anymore to be honest. Review in sept.

All the best with it.

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