Huw Edwards - 6 month suspended sentence (pg 107)

How many other publicly owned companies have a TV broadcast network in which to report on themselves?

Well, a few nowadays! I did say news organisations though, I don’t remember the News of the World reporting on the phone hacking scandal or the Mirror reporting on their fake pictures though was the point.
Well that’s clearly wrong as he was an MP well before then.
Well that’s clearly wrong as he was an MP well before then.
Sentencing Guidelines Council set up in 2010 includes…

The six non-judicial members of the Sentencing Council are:

  • John Crawforth OBE, Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Probation Trust
  • Siobhain Egan, consultant solicitor
  • Tim Godwin OBE QPM, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
  • Gillian Guy, Chief Executive of Victim Support
  • Julian Roberts, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford
  • Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions
Sentencing Guidelines Council set up in 2010 includes…

The six non-judicial members of the Sentencing Council are:

  • John Crawforth OBE, Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Probation Trust
  • Siobhain Egan, consultant solicitor
  • Tim Godwin OBE QPM, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
  • Gillian Guy, Chief Executive of Victim Support
  • Julian Roberts, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford
  • Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions

He stopped being a member of the sentencing Council in 2013, when he stopped being DPP. Nothing out of the ordinary either. Standard practice for DPP to be part of the Sentencing Council.

Not sure where you got 2020 from.
Sentencing Guidelines Council set up in 2010 includes…

The six non-judicial members of the Sentencing Council are:

  • John Crawforth OBE, Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Probation Trust
  • Siobhain Egan, consultant solicitor
  • Tim Godwin OBE QPM, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
  • Gillian Guy, Chief Executive of Victim Support
  • Julian Roberts, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford
  • Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions

So not in 2020 then? He clearly can’t have been since he became an MP well before then.
Well, a few nowadays! I did say news organisations though, I don’t remember the News of the World reporting on the phone hacking scandal or the Mirror reporting on their fake pictures though was the point.
Kind of my point. It's a whole lot easier for the BBC to report on itself to a national audience. The only other media organisations that I can think of with access to publicly funded broadcast facilities is Channel 4.
The guy who sent him the pictures also got a suspended sentence back in March ffs
Perhaps this is the reason Edward's got a suspended sentence. It would be hard to punish him more than the other paedo.
Perhaps the question should be, why did the first nonce get off so lightly.
At least Edward's is well known and will therefore suffer public humiliation for years. No one knows who the other freak is or more importantly where he is.
He's not that's bang out of order, he has said he thinks he should be in jail.

Anyway the fucker should have been banged up and the only consolation is he will be afraid eveytime he goes out in public for the rest of his life.
Don't know much about this case ,I don't follow msn much.
But,that other case,the man who was close friends of David Attenborough, and was into tourture of dogs etc etc.
Sickening vile scum.
Not sure if he was BBC as well.
Perhaps this is the reason Edward's got a suspended sentence. It would be hard to punish him more than the other paedo.
Perhaps the question should be, why did the first nonce get off so lightly.
At least Edward's is well known and will therefore suffer public humiliation for years. No one knows who the other freak is or more importantly where he is.
Shouldn’t be in amongst the public the dirty fucker.
It's not really, all those saying 'yet you get 2/3/4 years for sharing a meme or a Facebook post' are seriously downplaying the fact that what they were actually doing was inciting violence so extreme there was a real risk some would have been stuck inside a building whilst it was on fire, that's what those all so harmless people caused by sharing and encouraging locations of Mosques and Hotels, far more should have been punished but there isn't enough space in prisons so they had to make an example out of very few and it worked to stop the riots and discourage others who are thinking of doing the same in the future - those downplaying the gravity of those social media posts are the ones that are taking the piss.

Earlier today, I came across this exchange on X:


In the case of free speech, John Stuart Mill drew it at incitement. He famously contrasted a newspaper article in which the author claimed that corn dealers were starvers of the poor, with the same view spoken (or communicated via a placard) right outside a corn dealer’s house. The first is a controversial opinion that should be allowed to enter the public debate, even if the view is false or immoral; the second is, in those circumstances, an act of incitement to violence and unacceptable.

Mill's example is well-known in legal and philosophical circles and forms the basis for what became known as his Harm Principle. Stuart Mill articulated the,Declaration of the Rights of

I don't know Paul Goldsmith but I follow him on X. His tweets are - for the most part - models of balance and fair-mindedness.

No doubt he will have discussed the riot sentencing with his A level students, as I would with mine if I wasn't retired, as the classical Utilitarian philosophy of Bentham and Mill features on most A Level courses in Religious Studies and is also part of the AQA Philosophy syllabus.

The key issue here is whether Facebook posts or tweets on X are comparable to Mill's placard, given that we are living at a time when disinformation abounds on social media and spreads like wildfire, leaving ordinary media outlets playing catch-up, and there are also lots of credulous people out there who are distrustful of the MSM but willing to take any old conspiratorial bollocks and shit at face value.
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