Dave Ewing's Back 'eader
Well-Known Member
After thee match at Goodyison last evining i weesh to apologise for that leetle sheet Terry and eez outrageous tackle on little Leo. I also weesh to assure all football fans that the three preema donnas, Lamplard, Cashlee and Bollox weel bee fined by the club for their petulant and puerile behaviour. We have also furneeshed thee FA weeth veedeeo eveedence of that lazee Brazilian turd Alex stamping on Cittee fans favourite fluffee kangaroo, gentle Timmee Cahill. Chelsea FC would also congratulate Mr. Dowd for a stunning performance weeth the wheestle last evening and reefute thee suggestion that CeeFCee deemand supeerior treetment from offeecials. Happee Chreeestmas to your peeple.