If sven was still our manager

Blue Lloyd said:
Given the results in the second half of Svens season I'd say more than fucking likely in the Championship.

Another 'look at me' Sven thread. Really not needed at all as Sven is totally irrelevant to our current position.
i think this fella has the right take on it btw
salfordtrueblue said:
I'd say,after speaking with Stevie Ireland a while back that the wheels where always going to come off regarding Sven, so i'd say much lower than we are now.

This, many players have made it clear that Sven wasn't capable of maintaining any sort of discipline.

Where would we be with Sven now? Losing 8-1 to Boro. In the Championship.
salfordtrueblue said:
Blue Lloyd said:
Given the results in the second half of Svens season I'd say more than fucking likely in the Championship.

Another 'look at me' Sven thread. Really not needed at all as Sven is totally irrelevant to our current position.
i think this fella has the right take on it btw

Does everyone forget that the MAD Thai couldn't pay the players wages, and Warddle had to step in and pay them or they were going to go on strike. Infact things were so fucking bad a city player (dan mills the twat) while commentating live on city match came out with we are so skint theres going to be a fire fucking sale. For christ sakes no wonder the team fell to pieces in the second half of the year if thats what was going on behind closed doors.
We'd be less disciplined but we'd have better players, happier players.

We'd be in or around the same state in the league though I suspect we'd play slightly better football from time to time and win/lose/win/lose as opposed to draw/draw/draw/draw/draw/draw.

If we want to hit the next level then we need a real top level manager not Sven or some fuck from Blackburn. Pains me to say it but how many more weeks of hopeless shite are we expected to watch before we see some evidence of 'the project' actually coming good?
Sven got us playing as a team.

He brought in new players and created a winning formula. He as much as anyone knew that the system had to be more flexible and he went to to Shinawatra with a list of players who he and his team had scouted and knew would sign in January. only to be told no money was available. The Sven plan was working but was derailed by a meglomaniac chairman with no money to spend. He went over Sven's head and bollocked the players personally in January, effectively sacking him at that point. The second half of the season was a sham. All the players knew that the manager was leaving and rumours of insolvency were all over the club. Lesser managers than Sven would have simply walked citing constructive dismissal. Anybody who condemns Sven on the basis of his results after December is taking a very blinkered view.
mammutly said:
Sven got us playing as a team.

He brought in new players and created a winning formula. He as much as anyone knew that the system had to be more flexible and he went to to Shinawatra with a list of players who he and his team had scouted and knew would sign in January. only to be told no money was available. The Sven plan was working but was derailed by a meglomaniac chairman with no money to spend. He went over Sven's head and bollocked the players personally in January, effectively sacking him at that point. The second half of the season was a sham. All the players knew that the manager was leaving and rumours of insolvency were all over the club. Lesser managers than Sven would have simply walked citing constructive dismissal. Anybody who condemns Sven on the basis of his results after December is taking a very blinkered view.

My feelings exactly. I honestly believe that if Sven were our manager now & was receiving the full backing of the owner that we would probably be doing better than we are (certainly we'd be playing better football).
Marvin said:
Same position. I don't believe he has any real appetite or hunger for the game

Totally correct.

While Hughes is a bluffer, Sven was worse.

He really couldn't give a shit... and that's why he was replaced.

But having said that, he is a better manager than Hughes ever will be. It's just that he no longer cares about being a manager.
Disappointed today with yet another draw. However, a quick look at the comparisons of how many points we have gained after 13 games over the last four years:

06/07 = 16 points (finished up with 42 points)
07/08 = 26 points (finished up with 55 points)
08/09 = 14 points (finished up with 50 points)
09/10 = 22 points so far.........

Obviously the haul under Sven was good but there was the poor finish.
Statistically, one could argue that we have pushed on (by Hughes standard) in his second season. At this rate, he should beat Sven's total of 55 points. Is that good enough for the critics on here?
andy h said:
Disappointed today with yet another draw. However, a quick look at the comparisons of how many points we have gained after 13 games over the last four years:

06/07 = 16 points (finished up with 42 points)
07/08 = 26 points (finished up with 55 points)
08/09 = 14 points (finished up with 50 points)
09/10 = 22 points so far.........

Obviously the haul under Sven was good but there was the poor finish.
Statistically, one could argue that we have pushed on (by Hughes standard) in his second season. At this rate, he should beat Sven's total of 55 points. Is that good enough for the critics on here?

After spending £200+ million dam right we should beat Svens tally.

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