immigration yay or nay

glen quagmire

Well-Known Member
21 Feb 2009
Hanging my tea towel up for good. R.I.P GSC
"Coming over ere taking our bloody jobs" is just one of the gems that was hurled at my closest mate the other day while we were in liverpool centre. It got me thinking, my mate's dad moved here from bangladesh in the 80's, with only a place to sleep on a floor and a job dishwashing at his uncle's restaurant. Today, he own's 3 indian restaurant's, and 2 take away's. My mate (early 20's) own's his own 120 seater one as well and has a share in a take away in wigan.

What's your take on immigration? Just to get started i'm all for those who want to work and contribute to society, those who just see a 'free' place to live and 'free' money can stay away in my opinion!
Not only is it a good thing, it's necessary. Needs to be controlled though.

In addition, give me an immigrant willing to work & contribute over a chavvy little 'indigenous' scrote whose only aim is to sponge off the state every day.
1) most of the older builders I know (well not most but a lot) moaned about the Poles initially which I found rather funny as I knew for a fact 3 of them had worked in Germany in the 1970's for months at a time because the money was better and they shared houses 3 to a room!

2) Economic migrants should be welcomed with open arms. The reason why the USA is so successful today is because the people who went over initially were poor, hungry risk takers. They chose to leave everything behind and wanted to make a success of their lives.

3) I think the 'first safe country' law on asylum seekers needs to be enforced harshly-i.e if you life was in danger and you fled, why trek all across France and try and cross the channel to the UK-smacks of them knowing we're a soft touch on scroungers.

4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.
glen quagmire said:
"Coming over ere taking our bloody jobs" is just one of the gems that was hurled at my closest mate the other day while we were in liverpool centre. It got me thinking, my mate's dad moved here from bangladesh in the 80's, with only a place to sleep on a floor and a job dishwashing at his uncle's restaurant. Today, he own's 3 indian restaurant's, and 2 take away's. My mate (early 20's) own's his own 120 seater one as well and has a share in a take away in wigan.

What's your take on immigration? Just to get started i'm all for those who want to work and contribute to society, those who just see a 'free' place to live and 'free' money can stay away in my opinion!

I think it goes with anything in the country:

As long as your not gonna take the piss (or if you're going to contribute, to use your better words) your fine by me.

We were all immigrants at one stage or another, and people that do want to live here from outside the UK want to do so because they're own country isn't as good as ours - which makes me proud to be English to be honest, as I see it as an honour to live in a place which so many wish they could live.

The strange thing is, there is a number of my friends who don't see it like this and use the paranoid 'it's not what Englands about' or some other tosh. And I look at the main guy who has this view and he has a Irish clover on his left arm because of his heritige. Now to me the Irish (no offence to those on here) are just as much foreigners as the Poles or Asians. In fact being a Mancunian I know which country as attacked my city more, but lets not get into all that shite. And then two of my best mates have Italian in them, two have Polish (with one of these having Finish in them too), and a few others also grasp onto there great great great grandparents living in Dublin 4000 years ago so they can celebrate St. Patricks day. I am, in my opinion the most English of all my mates. I was born in Manchester, to Mancunian parents, who's parents were born in Manchester - none of the rest of them can say anything similar, yet I'm the one with the most pro-immigration views.
I've got dutch and irish in me, if you'd like to deport me please point me in the way of amsterdam
Every wave of immigration since the Romans is to be frowned upon, and I only exempt them for wot they done for us, innit.
liamctid said:
glen quagmire said:
"Coming over ere taking our bloody jobs" is just one of the gems that was hurled at my closest mate the other day while we were in liverpool centre. It got me thinking, my mate's dad moved here from bangladesh in the 80's, with only a place to sleep on a floor and a job dishwashing at his uncle's restaurant. Today, he own's 3 indian restaurant's, and 2 take away's. My mate (early 20's) own's his own 120 seater one as well and has a share in a take away in wigan.

What's your take on immigration? Just to get started i'm all for those who want to work and contribute to society, those who just see a 'free' place to live and 'free' money can stay away in my opinion!

I think it goes with anything in the country:

As long as your not gonna take the piss (or if you're going to contribute, to use your better words) your fine by me.

We were all immigrants at one stage or another, and people that do want to live here from outside the UK want to do so because they're own country isn't as good as ours - which makes me proud to be English to be honest, as I see it as an honour to live in a place which so many wish they could live.

The strange thing is, there is a number of my friends who don't see it like this and use the paranoid 'it's not what Englands about' or some other tosh. And I look at the main guy who has this view and he has a Irish clover on his left arm because of his heritige. Now to me the Irish (no offence to those on here) are just as much foreigners as the Poles or Asians. In fact being a Mancunian I know which country as attacked my city more, but lets not get into all that shite. And then two of my best mates have Italian in them, two have Polish (with one of these having Finish in them too), and a few others also grasp onto there great great great grandparents living in Dublin 4000 years ago so they can celebrate St. Patricks day. I am, in my opinion the most English of all my mates. I was born in Manchester, to Mancunian parents, who's parents were born in Manchester - none of the rest of them can say anything similar, yet I'm the one with the most pro-immigration views.

Bloody inbreeds, staying over here with their rational views. Send em all home I say.
trueblue09 said:
agree with your view mate. if they commit crime live off benifits or get involved in anti social activity should be deported immediatly no questions asked. but as for those who work and are willing to abide by our rules of our law welcome and enjoy your stay
Hell yeah! I'd go as far as to say that even genuine Brits should be fucked off for the same reasons. Send them to Australia or something... oh wait.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
1) most of the older builders I know (well not most but a lot) moaned about the Poles initially which I found rather funny as I knew for a fact 3 of them had worked in Germany in the 1970's for months at a time because the money was better and they shared houses 3 to a room!

2) Economic migrants should be welcomed with open arms. The reason why the USA is so successful today is because the people who went over initially were poor, hungry risk takers. They chose to leave everything behind and wanted to make a success of their lives.

3) I think the 'first safe country' law on asylum seekers needs to be enforced harshly-i.e if you life was in danger and you fled, why trek all across France and try and cross the channel to the UK-smacks of them knowing we're a soft touch on scroungers.

4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.

I can't believe I'm saying this to a BB2.0 post, but I absolutely agree with all of this

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