in the defence of the hughes outers

I posted something similar to this some time ago.

I've always believed that a club has to be unified throughout. The board have to be as one (in the past at City that was NEVER the case! And the situation at Liverpool and Newcastle shows what happens when you get division at the very top), they have to believe in and support the manager (although that bit does appear to be the case at the moment), there has to be harmony between the management and the playing staff (which, so far, has mixed messages!) and finally, the support have to believe in what the club, as a whole, are doing.

We have rarely had this state at City.

I think the second half of the season in the Third Division we had it, I think Keegan's first 2 seasons we had it, I think Sven's first half of the season we had it... but since Hughes arrived I've never once felt that unity.

At some point Hughes has to convince all the doubters.

That means the players, coaching staff AND the supporters.

He has to look as if he cares, that he is passionate about City, that he undertsands what being a City fan is all about. Up till now, he has failed dismaly in getting the fans onside. And until that changes he will continue to divide the support.

I really hope he can do it. We are desperate for stability and progress. But he has to show some personality to enable us to buy in to his vision.

Time is running out for him otherwise.
I think its a bit premature to suggest that its anything to do with 'new' so far we havn't really pulled up many trees with our performances (Arsenal exempted) that would attract such fans, and also we certainly havn't won anything yet!!!

I'm a Hughes IN by the way, I like the guy, think he comes accross very well in interviews and has bought well (Hopefully Santa won't let him down).

I am though very dissapointed with some of our games this season, and also I am annoyed about yesterdays wasn't so much bad defending yesterday though (unlike against Fulham and Burnley) as the defence played well for the majority of the game (The mistake coming from Onuaha who hesitated in his clearence due to a lack of understanding with Lescott, which with his lack of games is understandable) but the fact that, as other people have also said, we had a very strong team out and, frankly Liverpool were there to be beaten. There team, espeicially after the injuries in the first 20 minutes was poor with only Gerrard who who would walk straight into our team yet we didn't play until behind which suggests that something isn't quite working yet.....i just hope that we start to turn things around soon, as I want to succeed with Hughes.
SalfordCityBlue said:
blue John said:
Is it we have a lot of new fans?

I don't know why I feel the need to justify myself but I was a regular ST at Maine Road for a decade and have been every season since, including Division 2. Been going since I was eight and, ironically, have never really wanted a manager out before (except maybe Alan Ball and Pearce) - I even felt sorry for Frank Clark when he got the boot.

When people haven't got a decent argument they personalise it.

You're either a rag, or a "new fan".

I'm neither. But that's not going to stop the ill-educated continuing their childish barbs.
Dubai Blue said:
I think a lot of it is that we've been starved of anything remotely resembling success for so long that the thought of fucking this brilliant opportunity up in true City style is scaring the absolute bejesus out of some City fans.

We're bringing in top players, being linked with yet more top players, and spending top wedge, yet we have a manager who is completely unproven at the level we're aiming for.

I think a lot of the 'Hughes Outers' simply want to play the percentage game; i.e. Who is more likely to get us where we want to go - Hiddink (etc etc) or Hughes?

It's the thought of us being the richest football club on Earth yet failing to win anything or even break the Top 4 because of loyalty to an as-yet unproven manager that is scaring a section of our fans, in my opinion. And who can blame them? I think we all have a bit of dread inside us that City could somehow fuck this wonderful opportunity up in our very own inimitable style.

So I guess I'm going for Option 3. We need to give ourselves the very best chance of succeeding, mainly because we can. I'm not sure we're currently doing that.

That sums it up perfectly. I am nervous as hell that we are going to blow this opportunity. Which is a once in a lifetime.
Good points here and fits in with something I've thought for a while.

I think it's down to the level of expectation based on what've we've spent. People think that having spent £200m then we should have a top 4 team. Trouble is it doesn't work like that. Arseanl, Liverpool & the rags have been established team for years and even Chelsea have been around the top 4-6 since the mid-90's.

Spurs, Newcaste and Leeds all spent loads an two of those couldn't even stay in the Premiership, let alone win it. So it's not just about spending money, it's about building carefully so I'm not that worried that we haven't really clicked yet.

I was delighted we got Hughes at the time and still think he needs to be given some time. Talking to a range of blues I was out with on Thursday they all said the same thing. They were aged from early 20's up to my age so it's not just an older fans thing. However I am worried that we are a team that seems to lack confidence and doesn't seem to have the desire to win games. Plus there is the division among City fans over Hughes, although I think this might be exaggerated as even Bluemoon represents but a very small part of the City-supporting community.
Soulboy said:
I posted something similar to this some time ago.

I've always believed that a club has to be unified throughout. The board have to be as one (in the past at City that was NEVER the case! And the situation at Liverpool and Newcastle shows what happens when you get division at the very top), they have to believe in and support the manager (although that bit does appear to be the case at the moment), there has to be harmony between the management and the playing staff (which, so far, has mixed messages!) and finally, the support have to believe in what the club, as a whole, are doing.

We have rarely had this state at City.

I think the second half of the season in the Third Division we had it, I think Keegan's first 2 seasons we had it, I think Sven's first half of the season we had it... but since Hughes arrived I've never once felt that unity.

At some point Hughes has to convince all the doubters.

That means the players, coaching staff AND the supporters.

He has to look as if he cares, that he is passionate about City, that he undertsands what being a City fan is all about. Up till now, he has failed dismaly in getting the fans onside. And until that changes he will continue to divide the support.

I really hope he can do it. We are desperate for stability and progress. But he has to show some personality to enable us to buy in to his vision.

Time is running out for him otherwise.

this line is nail on the head
"He has to look as if he cares, that he is passionate about City, that he undertsands what being a City fan is all about".
he does seem aloof, so though would morinio, no one understands what city are all about, get that and a manager would be a world beater.
For me, there are a few things (and him being ex- rag doesn't even enter as we've had them before). I find I can't warm to him(some would say who gives a sh*t about that, but it's MY personal opinion!) as he seems to speak with 'forked tongue' all the time! I want our manager to give an honest appraisal of things and not spin.

I want him to be adventurous in the pursuit of glory and not safe all the time. I want him to make teams fear US and not think we're sh*t scared of conceding!

I don't think it's the fans, really, as we(as a whole) have backed him by giving him enough rope to hang himself. He's doing that fine. As fans, we HAVE been patient(30 odd years?) and to argue otherwise is just insulting. We've had good managers with no funds and bad managers with more funds than they should've been allowed! So which parts of those make Hughes' tenure?

I don't think anybody can conclude about Hughes until his stewardship is over. That's why this post doesn't have a real conclusion.
de niro said:
just had a pm and it something i agree with.

the overiding thing about mark hughes is that he has split the fans, for, against or whatever that is'nt a healthy thing. i have never known a manager have such a divide, at city or anywhere else. i'm not going in to rights and wrongs, tactics and formations just the very wide split of a bunch of fans that have stuck together through the thick and the thinnest for years.

is it hughes?
is it our expectancy levels have gone up?
is it cos we can get who we like?

when stuart pearce was in charge we would have given our right arm for hughes, why not now?

All of those things, I never liked him" but I resist the urge to criticise him when I know it's unjustified and we're doing okay like now "6th" and still in with a good chance.
Like you de-niro i've been a hughes supporter from day 1, I think hughes will prove to be a top manager but im now not sure he'll prove it here, i feel sorry for him in a way and although our board have been loyal up to now there will come a point where there investment has to be turned into trophies, i believe hughes can lead us to these said trophies but i think despite the constant public backing he receives from the board i think he and the board are working on totally different time scales, I still truly hope hughes can lead us to success however just like in the summer when we were signing adebayor and tevez, when i hear hiddink and mourinho mentioned with the job here i cant help but get a tinge of excitement. I just feel if a hiddink or mourinho was here that the fans would 100% trust them even if we were lying lower than we are now in the league, unfortunately no matter what hughes says or does he's always going to be classed as not good enough by many!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Good points here and fits in with something I've thought for a while.

I think it's down to the level of expectation based on what've we've spent. People think that having spent £200m then we should have a top 4 team. Trouble is it doesn't work like that. Arseanl, Liverpool & the rags have been established team for years and even Chelsea have been around the top 4-6 since the mid-90's.

Spurs, Newcaste and Leeds all spent loads an two of those couldn't even stay in the Premiership, let alone win it. So it's not just about spending money, it's about building carefully so I'm not that worried that we haven't really clicked yet.

I was delighted we got Hughes at the time and still think he needs to be given some time. Talking to a range of blues I was out with on Thursday they all said the same thing. They were aged from early 20's up to my age so it's not just an older fans thing. However I am worried that we are a team that seems to lack confidence and doesn't seem to have the desire to win games. Plus there is the division among City fans over Hughes, although I think this might be exaggerated as even Bluemoon represents but a very small part of the City-supporting community.

I agree with the principle of what you're saying, but I think the fear that some City fans have (and I include myseldf) is not that we can't yet compete with the Big 4, but that teams like Villa and Spurs will also pass us by.

Even worse, we have fucking Sunderland ONE point behind us, Burnley and Stoke a coupl e of wins away... that's what pisses me off!

Bruce has been in post the same time as Hughes, yet he has transformed them with far less money (and we spent £17m on RSC and he spent £9m on Bent... go figure!).

Now I'm not suggesting Bruce or O'Neill or Coyle is the answer, just that Hughes needs to show more than he's showing at the moment.

I'd accept 5th. this season if we were behind the Big 4... but I couldn't accept it if Villa or Spurs (or Sunderland!) finished ahead of us.

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