in the defence of the hughes outers

Neil McNab said:
2 points per game is needed for top 4 and for the investment City have had should be their target this season. If we've signed players from top 4 teams with less ambition than this it doesn't say much about their motivation.

last season Arsenal finished fourth with 72 points, and the season before, it was liverpool with 76, so I do understand where you are coming from, but over the last ten years the average has been 67.5 points (1.77 points per game). We are currently on 1.66, which amounts to 63 points over the season, which is around the average for 5th and 6th.
bizzbo said:
Neil McNab said:
2 points per game is needed for top 4 and for the investment City have had should be their target this season. If we've signed players from top 4 teams with less ambition than this it doesn't say much about their motivation.

last season Arsenal finished fourth with 72 points, and the season before, it was liverpool with 76, so I do understand where you are coming from, but over the last ten years the average has been 67.5 points (1.77 points per game). We are currently on 1.66, which amounts to 63 points over the season, which is around the average for 5th and 6th.
No we're not, we're currently on 1.75 which is not enough this season so far!
If we hadn't have been taken over i'd have been happy with Hughes. Well, i was happy. Then we got taken over. Excitement and expectation went up.

Facing facts, having spent £200m+ we're not that much better than Stoke. We finished 5 points better of then them last season - and we're only 2 better off this season. We're not playing good football. The shite away losses last season were almost unbearable. The draws against poor sides this season have been very frustrating.

Even the odd bit of half decent football has fuck all to do with coaching. If you throw that much talent together, inevitabely at some point you're going to play quite well in patches. Basically my Mum could get us results with those players.

We've had the odd decisions. To his credit, bringing Tevez on on Saturday worked, but we've had Gelson at right back, SWP in centre midfield, 3 anchormen on at home to West Brom, to name a few baffling tactical decisions. It's clear as day, we have backroom staff that don't have the coaching ability of the equivalent at Pool, Scum, Arse and Chelsea. The backroom staff won't change whilst Hughes is here so sacking him seems to the only option.

There is nothing other than 'you don't get anywhere when you change your manager every year' that can be used as a reason to keep him in charge, and that reason would apply even if Steve Coogan was in charge.
Soulboy said:
So if you think he's here until the next close saeson, at least, why do you keep posting defensive comments, supportive of retaining him?

I haven't made any comments in support of retaining him recently. I can disagree with someone who wants him out today because they don't like the tone of his interviews, or some other such ridiculous reason, without being his number 1 fan...

Could it be that this is a messageboard, and that is what it is there for? That people give opinions, both for and against, and we all discuss them like adults.

Or should all the Hughes critics just shut up and say nowt, leaving the board solely to those who think Hughes is doing a wonderful job?

How fucking boring would Bluemoon be then!!!

It would be very boring. I don't think anyone wants that. But equally I don't think anyone wants this board to become a place for almost daily obituaries and post mortems about Mark Hughes, and where we allow ourselves to become so fucking inane and polarized that we are simply either IN or OUT personalities...

Press the foe button on my posts if they so irritate you.

I actually like your stuff. It's entertaining, passionate and makes me think.

It's just that we don't agree. No biggie...

Mate, there are plenty of people on this board who irritate me far far more than you do. It goes with the territory. I don't come on here just to talk to people who agree with me...that would be very boring.
m27 said:
Rammy Blue said:
as soon as possible imo, the pressure has got to Hughes now and consequently this safety first philosophy is being translated across to the team.

in essence it would generally be easier to change managers in the summer as better options are more likely to be available however now is the time to make the "money" count.

whether it is Hiddink or Jose that we go for i am not too bothered either way but if the writer from The Times was correct that ADUG have sounded out high profile managers recently then the sooner we move on and unite behind a world class manager the better imo.

I really can't see it though Rammy. Not mid-season because, other than Hiddink (who may already be promised a nice easy job 'upstairs' at Cheslea anyway) who is there? Can't see Mourinho coming mid-season even if Inter go out of the Champions League and then we may be selling ourselves short with appointing someone else. Why not just wait and see at the end of the season. If we are sounding managers out they will be professional enough to have their 'people' watch us and advise them on who we would need in the Summer on the player front. There's no way that a new manager would be coming in completely cold, they're far too professional for that nowadays.

Sorry to depress you but Hughes isn't going anywhere for the time being. Thinking Hughes is not the man for the job doesn't necessarily equate with wanting him out immediately in everyone's case.

one of my main fears about our future (and i am sure it is our owners main fear....) is that Twatini will change the "rules" which will proclude us from making the top table, hence why i feel the owners put up the £200mil+ in order to shape our side asap.

imo we have to make the top4 this season and it certainly fits with some of the itk stuff at the end of last season which said that Hughes has to keep pace with the top4 in order to survive. Yes i know that in effect we are in touch with the top4 at the moment but looking at our performances up to now will not have impessed our owners that we are looking a decent unit, this is why i believe the contingency plans are being made already.

one question though for you all - assuming The Times correspondent was correct that ADUG have sounded out 2 world class high profile managers recently about taking over, who are they?
samharris said:
Hard to nail this one down tbh...Most prem managers seem to thing we are top 4 material as do many pundits. When you look at the team sheets this is quite understandable... what happens on the pitch is where it's going pear shaped.

Is it the players not producing...or is it the tactical plan ??
Surely a combination of the two.
for me the problem is that some city fans want to be seen as patient and not knee jerk.
and to do this they state things like we can't keep changing managers and we have waited thirty years so another season or two is ok to wait.

however I think they miss the point that what has gone on in the past means nothing as each season is a one off and this year the premiership is wide open and we should be up there pushing chelsea. if we miss this opportunity we may have to wait for several years before we get this chance again. or even more worrying we may never get this chance again

It was like the game at anfield a point is normally a good result however when you look closer that satement misses the point that we drew against the weakest bindipper side I have seen in thirty five years.

the reason I want rid of hughes is simple and has nothing to do with his rag past or even his style of play I would settle for a poor to watch winning style

Hughes for me is about to fuck up the best chance in generation for the club I love.

he simply is not up to the job
despite what everyone thinks we are still a team getting to know each other sure we could have done better in some games this season and hughes tactics have some time been wrong but don't you think he is still finding his team and his best tactics our owners are'nt daft and will not replace hughes just because we,ve lost once and drew 6 on the trot hughes is finally finding out who he can trust and how the team need to play i'l gaurantee hughes will be here until the end of the season and i think even beyond that 3 good results next week and i don't just mean 3 wins will have a majority again back on board. i would also say i agree with the point that we have a lot of new fans who are glory hunters and aged about 10

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