in the defence of the hughes outers

Soulboy said:
Brilliant post.

At least all those whiny, knee jerk reactionaries calling for Hughes head are basing it on his 18 months in charge, or his previous 8 years as a manager, or his style of management... whereas you had a hissy fit a fortnight ago demanding the manager's head because... he had upset poor liddle Stevie Ireland!

But now Ireland's back in the team so Hughsie is a top bloke again!

You embarrass yourself at times with these inconsistent and hypocritical rants.

Called for Hughes' head? Hmm, no. I didn't. But hey ho. Don't let that get in the way of your headline grabbing post.

Hughsie's a top bloke? Again, hmm, no. But again. Don't let that get in the way of your headline grabbing post.

You seem an alright bloke. Don't put words in my mouth.
It's funny how people bring up Alan Ball, but he really didn't split the fans as Hughes does, EVERYONE knew he was a fraud, including the guy himself. As for Hughes, I really didn't like the style of play, he got Blackburn or Wales playing, the alligations of favoritism the fact that he dismantled the youth set up at Blackburn(who had finished runners up in the FA-Cup the season before he took over).

For me, it was something I had hoped would not happen when the papers first brought his name up. All that being said I trust the ownership, after all it's their money, he is spending, whatever, I see they see 100 times more and are not stupid. I would place myself not in the Hughes out camp, but more like the Hughes, I don't care camp. I want City to be successful, if it's with Hughes then fine and while at City, I wish him all the success in the world, but if Hughes is fired tomorrow I wouldn't lose a minutes sleep either.
This is a copy of the PM that de niro was talking about as i sent it so i'll stick it on the thread:

If you like Hughes please don't read on:

My patience have ran out with Hughes and his staff!!
I don't think he's got it in him to motivate and get the best out of our players and never will.
The players out on the pitch are under performing and i blame the manager for that.....hand on heart can you name one player that has had a great season up to now?
I think they have all suffered in one way or another with confidence in there own ability to perform as a team.
I'm getting fed up of coming on here every week after a game and players getting slated for no reason whatsoever, it shouldn't be like that?
Another reason i want him out is he's split our fans which i don't like and is unhealthy in our push to reach that next level.
This is the time we should all be together and enjoying the ride but far from it, i'm struggling to enjoy anything at the moment.

Answer: Mourinho

A manager that makes you feel 10ft tall and gets inside your head win, win, win with the feeling you'll run through brick walls to do it.
He would recruit a leader that the team would look up to and enforce that anything but a win isn't good enough.

I don't think he would need to tweek the side we've got that much because on paper we have a top 4 side we just need the belief that we can do it!

That's my feelings at the moment.......i'm open to criticism but thanks for listening :)
I defend the right of Hughes Outers as long as they can explain why and show some intelligent and consistent arguements.
The vast majority just come out with one line abuse.
I put a thread on here prior to the Liverpool game for Outers to put forward their views forward BEFORE the game on team selection and style of play etc. Only a couple (thanks to Moomba etc) had the balls or knowledge to construct a coherant arguement.
Over 1400 people viewed the thread so more Outers must have seen it.
I think De Niro is right to suggest they are GENERALLY the younger fans. Older fans would normally accept where we have been as a club and understand how long our self defeating nature takes to turn around.
People come on here and want "The Special One" and in the same breadth say that Hughes does not play enough expansive football. Take a look at the last Chelsea crowd to watch his team. After the initial trophy winning fans wanted attractive football. He did not deliver and got the boot because it was attracting a low gate. Chelsea got complacent that success will always be theirs.
They have not won the league since. Knee jerk reactions don't bring success.

People slag him off for not going for it yesterday. I have seen Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal go to Liverpool and use exactly the same tactic.
If we had gone gung ho and conceded early doors all the Outers would call Hughes naive.
There must be so many posters on here that have UEFA badges!

Lets be honest Outers will always have opportunity because the nature of football gives them that.
Yesterday, again, was the result of individual errors of Ade and Ned (not clearing the original ball) but that is generally how all games are decided.

I prefer to trust the owners, not a bad track record in decision making, and stability to bring success to my club.
Blue Dove said:
I defend the right of Hughes Outers as long as they can explain why and show some intelligent and consistent arguements.
The vast majority just come out with one line abuse.
I put a thread on here prior to the Liverpool game for Outers to put forward their views forward BEFORE the game on team selection and style of play etc. Only a couple (thanks to Moomba etc) had the balls or knowledge to construct a coherant arguement.
Over 1400 people viewed the thread so more Outers must have seen it.
I think De Niro is right to suggest they are GENERALLY the younger fans. Older fans would normally accept where we have been as a club and understand how long our self defeating nature takes to turn around.
People come on here and want "The Special One" and in the same breadth say that Hughes does not play enough expansive football. Take a look at the last Chelsea crowd to watch his team. After the initial trophy winning fans wanted attractive football. He did not deliver and got the boot because it was attracting a low gate. Chelsea got complacent that success will always be theirs.
They have not won the league since. Knee jerk reactions don't bring success.

People slag him off for not going for it yesterday. I have seen Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal go to Liverpool and use exactly the same tactic.
If we had gone gung ho and conceded early doors all the Outers would call Hughes naive.
There must be so many posters on here that have UEFA badges!

Lets be honest Outers will always have opportunity because the nature of football gives them that.
Yesterday, again, was the result of individual errors of Ade and Ned (not clearing the original ball) but that is generally how all games are decided.

I prefer to trust the owners, not a bad track record in decision making, and stability to bring success to my club.
If you have to have a UEFA badge to post for or against Hughes, or indeed comment while at a football match, I'm guessing it would become pretty boring.
BillyShears said:
Soulboy said:
Brilliant post.

At least all those whiny, knee jerk reactionaries calling for Hughes head are basing it on his 18 months in charge, or his previous 8 years as a manager, or his style of management... whereas you had a hissy fit a fortnight ago demanding the manager's head because... he had upset poor liddle Stevie Ireland!

But now Ireland's back in the team so Hughsie is a top bloke again!

You embarrass yourself at times with these inconsistent and hypocritical rants.

Called for Hughes' head? Hmm, no. I didn't. But hey ho. Don't let that get in the way of your headline grabbing post.

Hughsie's a top bloke? Again, hmm, no. But again. Don't let that get in the way of your headline grabbing post.

You seem an alright bloke. Don't put words in my mouth.

You pulled the original thread. That's how embarrased you were with it.

So you can deny saying anything now as the proof has gone.

Fair enough.

But both you and I know what you said... !!!

There's no point repeating ad nauseum our stances.

But maybe you should be a little less condenmnatory of City fans when you, yourself, was not averse to dishing it out when necessary?
Soulboy said:
You pulled the original thread. That's how embarrased you were with it.

So you can deny saying anything now as the proof has gone.

Fair enough.

But both you and I know what you said... !!!

There's no point repeating ad nauseum our stances.

But maybe you should be a little less condenmnatory of City fans when you, yourself, was not averse to dishing it out when necessary?

I think there are some bitter deluded tossers on this board masquerading as City fans. If you don't like my opinion, no problem.

But do yourself a favour and stop going on about a thread from weeks ago which a) I didn't have pulled because I was embarrassed about what I said in it and b) did not once call for Hughes' head.
"If you have to have a UEFA badge to post for or against Hughes, or indeed comment while at a football match, I'm guessing it would become pretty boring."

I know DLBIA but the Outers really seem to think that by posting complaints AFTER the game their view is based on knowledge rather than "the 9 o'clock shouda's".
We all can look at games and say where we should have done better and where mistakes have occurred. Some Outers come on here AFTER and start going on as though they had the perfect plan for defeating whoever we played and that Hughes is daft for not thinking about it.
I have stated before, I believe I have had as much experience of playing, at a lower level and watching football as the next person but I have opinions not stone wall certaintys.
Bigga said:
I want him to be adventurous in the pursuit of glory and not safe all the time. I want him to make teams fear US and not think we're sh*t scared of conceding!

He seems to be approacing the job this season in the style of a mid-table manager, having added a wealth of top level experience and talent to the squad. Especially away from home the tactics seem to be more about stopping the strengths of the opposition rather than having them worry about our threat.

Another thing I'm concerned with it our style-of or rather lack of a style of play. A year and a half at City and I don't know what way he wants to play. Maybe he doesn't know or hasn't decided ?

The back four and the whole defensive set-up of the team doesn't look right either. They should be drilled as a unit in general play and set pieces. I've never heard mention of specific defensive training on here, so I presume they don't do any work on it ?

Having said all that, a draw at Anfield is always a good result and our position is decent but maybe it's all the "what ifs" as we slip-up and sense of missed opportunites as other teams drop points that is feeding our anxiety. We are desperate for success and the manager is the focal point for this ire.
In simple terms, I don't think he should be given more and more time because I don't believe he is good enough.

And I believe that he has proven this in the time he has been here. Especially consdiering that he has been given the most backing of any manager in the history of of football in that period.

That's one of my favourite phrases, I'll admit, but it is worth reiterating.

Mark Hughes has been given access to a transfer fund that is unlike anything ever made available to any other manager in the history of football - even Madrid's millions are not as good for their manager as their manager does not have complete control over them like Hughes does.

He's also been given carte blanche to change every single thing he wanted. These are luxaries beyond the imagination of 99% of managers.

Yet, despite this, the running theme throughout his time here is constant underperformance on the pitch. Whatever players he has fielded they have consistently performed way below the sum of their parts. We can all point to one off games, but I'm talking about a general trend. And the general trend for Hughes is that his teams underperform. He takes good/excellent players and moulds them into teams that generally play worse.

Now, perhaps you feel he didn't do this at Blackburn or Wales but there is no argument against the fact that he has done that here and I'm not really interested about what he has done elsewhere.

So, his managerial performance, which has been consistently producing way below par teams for 17 months or so is the overwhelming reason for me.

Then you can strengthen it by the other two options that yes, we can attract better and yes, we are wasting an excellent opportunity if we are happy wirth a manager who constantly makes his players play below their ability.

His performance has only one theme running through it and that is being below par.

Oh, and I hate long ball football - even more so when players who are not suited to it are playing it.

(There's also a personal one - like someone said earlier on this thread, I believe 'he speaks with a forked tongue'. I cannot stand the culture of spin, blaming others and excuses. And I don't like the snide comments towards others. He has made it his mission to get people thinking that he has spent the last 17 months with the most difficult job in football and that is why his results have been poor, when in fact it is totally the opposite. Some people might be happy with this and think it is the mark of a professional manager, but I'm not and don't like it in a City manager. I loathe the attitude of Ferguson and I'm not going to praise some of those qualities when they are replicated in a City manager. I expect certain things from a City manager when it comes to personal qualities - that list does not include constant bullshitting with spin and excuses, snide attempts to lay the blame at everyone else's door (see the constant "X, Y and Z aren't profressional enough stories) and a lack of honesty about progress and their performance. I appreciate that doesn't matter to some but I honestly can't stand Hughes' public bullshit and very transparent and poor deflection tactics. They are ecessive in the extreme)

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