Inception (the film)

The Pink Panther

Well-Known Member
22 May 2005
Do you think the writer and director set out deliberately to confuse their audience who arrive at a conclusion, after watching the film, that they have wasted a couple of hours of their life?
The Pink Panther said:
Do you think the writer and director set out deliberately to confuse their audience who arrive at a conclusion, after watching the film, that they have wasted a couple of hours of their life?

Personally, I think it's a brilliant film. The way it ends keeps you thinking about it long after the film has finished, or at least it did with me. Was he in a dream or wasn't he......?

Top, top film!
I really liked it and the ending as some others have said keeps you thinking about the film which in my opinion is great as most films finish with an ending you can't really look back at but with Inception it keeps you thinking about it for a long time after the film has finished
The bit that confused me was the idea he planted in his wifes head and when they were lying with their heads on the train track. When they wake are they in the real world (when they wake on the floor) or in the dream world still. I ask because apparently they get old in the dream world and clearly they are not at this point.........
Watched it for the second time the other day as people say it's one of those films you've got to watch more than once because you miss things the first time. I refute this as I think I got it all the first time and didn't get anything out of watching it a second time. Still a good film though, but as previously mentioned, the hype can put people off or raise expectations to a level that makes disappointment inevitable.
The ending was just a quirky afterthought imo, not in sync with the rest of the film. I thought it was quality though; really enjoyed it. The score was sensational too, Hans Zimmer played a blinder.

It's nice to be reminded that Di Caprio is a great actor. Many people dismiss him too easily.
The end is a dream he constructs for himself. He said he couldn't go back to America, and if they fail he would get arrested at immigation if the plan fails. When he does wake up on the plane and after the phonecall is made, at the end when meets his kids, the Michael Caine character is present. But he goes to see the Micheal Caine character earlier in the movie to recruit a new hot female 'architect' - how could he make that meeting if he couldn't travel to america?

If he could freely travel back to the states to see Michael Caine earlier, then whatever method he used to achieve that he could have planned to use off the plane.

The logical conclusion is also therefore that the entire plot is a dream, and the plot is therefore almost entirely pointless.

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