
brass neck

Well-Known Member
1 Feb 2005
Kiss the badge... kiss my arse
Does anyone know why our country gives 1 billion pounds a year in charitable aid donations to a county that has a nuclear arsenal, a huge economy and a space program...... just something that doesn't sit right with me somehow!!!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _missions/</a>
dunno but would like to know myself,think there would be a few people in cumbria that need new homes and a bridge here and there who would like to know too
No idea mate but I do know that before long a load of weird, uneducated fuckers will be here to blame it on Guardian readers and people who have knitted yoghurt at some point.
well coming from west cumbria...believe me there are allot of people in cumbria that could do with phone signals, radio signals, channel 4, a year with out 10 power cuts, and more job prospects than a life a the power station!!! lol, i spent my life with out leccy as a nipper, which was always a big irony as i live 5 mins from sellafield!!
brass neck said:
well coming from west cumbria...believe me there are allot of people in cumbria that could do with phone signals, radio signals, channel 4, a year with out 10 power cuts, and more job prospects than a life a the power station!!! lol, i spent my life with out leccy as a nipper, which was always a big irony as i live 5 mins from sellafield!!

How many toes do you have? All I can say is .... clever India for screwing us, now is my radioactive naga vindaloo ready???
India's not a county, mate.

pretty certain it is, a country in the continant of asia.....

"India is a country in the continent of Asia, and lends its name to the Indian subcontinent, which is largely, but by no means totally covered by India"
We give them £1bn, they give us thousands of their best cooks.


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