Inflation - when is this going to end?

Utter bullshit, the cost of living rises are exhorbarant, the bank of England are putting the nail in the coffin of millions of people with the rate rise, not just the man on the street but the thousands of business who survive by people spending money...they don't have it so they don't spend, job losses, businesses going bust its an absolute shit show.

Almost like it's all planned eh? One sure way to keep the poorer people in society subservient is to make jobs scarce and limit the choice of where they can work. Kill off the majority of small independent businesses because everything can be bought from Amazon and the like. Then make everything so expensive that they can't travel or socialise because every penny earned is going on the essentials needed to live. A bloody caravan in Rhyl for a week will be out of the reach of many by the time they've finished. Holidays to Benidorm? Not when a flight cost a fucking grand before you start on hotels and food, drink etcetera. We're sleepwalking rapidly into a nightmare future. Unless you're very very rich of course.
Almost like it's all planned eh? One sure way to keep the poorer people in society subservient is to make jobs scarce and limit the choice of where they can work. Kill off the majority of small independent businesses because everything can be bought from Amazon and the like. Then make everything so expensive that they can't travel or socialise because every penny earned is going on the essentials needed to live. A bloody caravan in Rhyl for a week will be out of the reach of many by the time they've finished. Holidays to Benidorm? Not when a flight cost a fucking grand before you start on hotels and food, drink etcetera. We're sleepwalking rapidly into a nightmare future. Unless you're very very rich of course.
Ahaa the old doomsday scenario !

I suppose the B of E could always do absolutely nothing and keep rates at 1% (or whatever they are in the UK) and allow hyper inflation to creep in as people keep spending big on Chinese tech products and foreign holidays, plus continually rising house prices that keep rising, as people/investors can keep borrowing and buying more rental properties, eventually obliterating that ability of young people to get into the market.

It's painful for all of us (it's hurting my kids) but I strongly believe the B of E and our own Central bank here in Oz are doing the right thing to combat huge inflation going forward by increasing rates and dampening the economy, its really the only weapon they have, and it's been proved to work.
Ahaa the old doomsday scenario !

I suppose the B of E could always do absolutely nothing and keep rates at 1% (or whatever they are in the UK) and allow hyper inflation to creep in as people keep spending big on Chinese tech products and foreign holidays, plus continually rising house prices that keep rising, as people/investors can keep borrowing and buying more rental properties, eventually obliterating that ability of young people to get into the market.

It's painful for all of us (it's hurting my kids) but I strongly believe the B of E and our own Central bank here in Oz are doing the right thing to combat huge inflation going forward by increasing rates and dampening the economy, its really the only weapon they have, and it's been proved to work.

You're in Oz mate different there.

There is no reason to raise interest rates with fuel bills almost doubling and the cost of everyday items going through the roof nobody has any spare cash to spend. All its doing is sending already hard pressed families deeper into debt.
You're in Oz mate different there.

There is no reason to raise interest rates with fuel bills almost doubling and the cost of everyday items going through the roof nobody has any spare cash to spend. All its doing is sending already hard pressed families deeper into debt.
Fair point. I guess my energy bills are next to nothing.
Fair point. I guess my energy bills are next to nothing.

I have relatives living in Perth I'll ask them. I would guess you fork out on air conditioning although not everybody has it. You can open a window and door I guess, get a breeze through. Our pensioners have to lie in bed or sleeping bags fully clothed in winter and hope they don't freeze to death as they're terrified to put the heating on and for many that was the case before the latest fuel rise. Their immune system is low as they can't afford a lot of food either. Still I guess a bit like covid it will kill many of them off quicker and save paying them their pension they paid into all their lives to receive. They'd be better off killing somebody and going to prison. No bills, TV licence, warm and three meals a day. If they fall ill immediate medical treatment instead of lying on a floor for 15 hours for an ambulance to turn up.

The cold kills quite a few of the pesky blighters each year in good old blighty. This is from the government's own stats, the year before covid

An estimated 28,300 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in winter 2019 to 2020, which was 19.6% higher than winter 2018 to 2019.

In 2020 to 2021 it was over 63,000 although they put covid on many of the death certificates.

Not a bad way of stealthily cleansing those now deemed as not much use to society as they don't work anymore.

I'm lucky; live in such a nice caring country as my old age fast approaches. What a fantastic golden retirement I have to look forward to, can't wait.
I have relatives living in Perth I'll ask them. I would guess you fork out on air conditioning although not everybody has it.
I live on the 44th floor next to the Ocean so we've never put our AC on. get lovely breezes, no need for it, I think our last electric bill was $80 (40 quid) for 3 months..

Perth is a cold place in winter, I would think you need heating quite a bit.... Queensland isn't, never had heating.

When we lived in a house we had solar on the roof so we actually sold electricity back to the grid, even after running the AC in summer.
I live on the 44th floor next to the Ocean so we've never put our AC on. get lovely breezes, no need for it, I think our last electric bill was $80 (40 quid) for 3 months..

Perth is a cold place in winter, Queensland isn't.

When we had a house we had solar on the roof so we actually sold electricity back to the grid, even after running the AC in summer.

They're quoting energy bills of £6,000 a year by next April. Almost every item of food has risen a minimum of 20p an item and more so far. Meanwhile energy companies are reporting billions of pounds of profit in their half yearly figures.
Wealthy Ozzies and wealthy Ex pat pilots are probably the last people I’d ask for advice if I’m a working class bloke suddenly seeing my bills go up tenfold.
I'm working class mate, I did an apprenticeship as a Sheet Metal Worker, grew up in a council house.

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