Inners & Outers!A MUST read. City at Dec 14th 06 07 08 09

M18CTID said:
I don't think anyone's saying that - if you want to break it down into tranches of 9 matches just to suit your argument that's up to you. 11 points from a single tranche of 9 matches in any particular season isn't a total disaster providing we can get back to the kind of points haul of the first 9 games. However, if we are to repeat that over the next 9 matches then it is a hell of a worry. 21 points from the last 20 matches of Sven's reign was disappointing given the start we had. And before anyone accuses me of Sven-bashing I'm not. There were mitigating circumstances that contributed towards the slump we had in the second half of his season in charge.

I'm not actually making an argument, just found it interesting (and slightly surprising) stat.

Fact remains, that if Svens last half of the season was a disaster, then we've not actually been performing a whole lot better than that over the past 9 matches.

Not suggesting that the run will continue, or anyone should be sacked. Just that IMO those that are disappointed with the last 9 matches as a whole, have every right to be.
ColinBall said:
Why dont you include all the matches and work out the average.

It only really highlights the fact that SGE was only able to get 13 points in the next six months.
Because it became common knowledge to sven and the team he was getting sacked.
goatfood said:
Blue Mooner said:
Lies damn lies and statistics.

I'll go off what I see on the pitch thanks very much and that is a massive improvement !

unfortunately if errors in the analysis or lack thereof of what can be seen as cold hard figures to some are not pointed out we end up with 'x x'(insert name of manager/player/backroom staff here) is s**t and confidence and optimism spirals down into a sea of woe is me which we then take to the game and .... you know the rest.
I'm just getting a little fed up with the downers because of this isolated event or that isolated event or this fact or that number when what I can clearly see with my own eyes is improvement in each different set of circumstances we have come up against.
I may have to adjust my thinking if we go on a losing streak, don't pick up any points between now and easter and find ourselves in the bottom half of the table come may, but right now like you I see improvement in both individual performances and team spirit, some weeks more than others but it's definitely there.

Well said you have articulated exactly what I'm thinking !
Blue Mooner said:
goatfood said:
unfortunately if errors in the analysis or lack thereof of what can be seen as cold hard figures to some are not pointed out we end up with 'x x'(insert name of manager/player/backroom staff here) is s**t and confidence and optimism spirals down into a sea of woe is me which we then take to the game and .... you know the rest.
I'm just getting a little fed up with the downers because of this isolated event or that isolated event or this fact or that number when what I can clearly see with my own eyes is improvement in each different set of circumstances we have come up against.
I may have to adjust my thinking if we go on a losing streak, don't pick up any points between now and easter and find ourselves in the bottom half of the table come may, but right now like you I see improvement in both individual performances and team spirit, some weeks more than others but it's definitely there.

Well said you have articulated exactly what I'm thinking !

I dont think we can underestimate the amount of fighting spirit we seem to have in the squad either. We may be struggling to put games to bed, but it would have been easy to throw the towel in at 0-1 to Chelski or 2-3 at Bolton, yet the lads found a way to get back into those games.

Better personnel means better performances (you would think) but it means nothing if they dont give a fuck. Our lot look like they give a fuck (to me anyway ;) they just havent been able to put it all together on a consistent basis (yet...its coming....)
anymore than 2sheiks said:
ColinBall said:
Why dont you include all the matches and work out the average.

It only really highlights the fact that SGE was only able to get 13 points in the next six months.
Because it became common knowledge to sven and the team he was getting sacked.

So the players, who weren't getting sacked were right to give up on the season? And Sven was right to allow it?

The way the team completely gave up at Boro was worthy of him being sacked in itself. said:
skybluekings said:
I think it puts our progress in perspective.

the minus seven points and £200m spent you mean?

not even hughes himself could describe them two facts as progress !

Yawn if you read the thread I think we've established that these 'facts' you talk about are dubious at best !

I'm sick to death of reading about this £200 million it's largely irrelevant for three reasons in my mind

I) This is virtually a completely new squad/team - I would argue that to build a new premiership team capable of challenging the top 4 (who have spent that and more over many years) is not as easy as some seem to want to believe - especially when a Ronaldo, Torres, Terry, Rooney et al would cost you £50 million plus

II) There is no benchmark of a team having been rebuilt from pretty much the ground up. Chelsea did it with a team that was already very much challenging.

III) We have paid more than some players 'true' worth in order to get players that teams didn't necessarily want or need to sell and in order to do it quickly - therefore a 'true' team valuation may be nearer 100-125 million

Anyone who can't see that we have much improved squad and team a much improved mentatlity and a generally higher level of performance just is simply incapable of remembering the boredam we had to endure under Pearce and Sven and total lack of consistency.
Blue Mooner said: said:
the minus seven points and £200m spent you mean?

not even hughes himself could describe them two facts as progress !

Yawn if you read the thread I think we've established that these 'facts' you talk about are dubious at best !

I'm sick to death of reading about this £200 million it's largely irrelevant for three reasons in my mind

I) This is virtually a completely new squad/team - I would argue that to build a new premiership team capable of challenging the top 4 (who have spent that and more over many years) is not as easy as some seem to want to believe - especially when a Ronaldo, Torres, Terry, Rooney et al would cost you £50 million plus

II) There is no benchmark of a team having been rebuilt from pretty much the ground up. Chelsea did it with a team that was already very much challenging.

III) We have paid more than some players 'true' worth in order to get players that teams didn't necessarily want or need to sell and in order to do it quickly - therefore a 'true' team valuation may be nearer 100-125 million

Anyone who can't see that we have much improved squad and team a much improved mentatlity and a generally higher level of performance just is simply incapable of remembering the boredam we had to endure under Pearce and Sven and total lack of consistency.

I think you have to include money in the argument because look at Real Madrid. They have spent even more than we have and they are 2nd in the league and Champions League Knock Out phase. They too have made many changes to their team and even have a new coach.
Points, points, points, what's the point?
Sven or Pearce didn't have the resources or the time.
Hughes didn't need to 'gut' the team or the backroom staff.
We had a half decent team.
And after all we have only gained one or two positions so far.
Let's hope we do better the next few matches.

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