Is everyone confident this season?


Well-Known Member
13 May 2007
We all know that Mark Hughes has to hit the ground running and finish anywhere within the top six this season and given the resources that has been made available to him and the players that we have signed in the summer transfer window ( both the calibre and the talent they possess) in addition to the fact we already had Robinho (who should be better this season) and Ireland (who hopefully won't be a one-season-wonder) we should be amazing in the goalscoring perspective!

Ignoring our record of W-D-L in the pre-season as it's all about fitness, getting to know your new team-mates and understanding each others style of play I think we have seen signs that Adebayor will fit in nicely and will score his fair share of the goals this coming season and in seasons to come. Hopefully Carlos will hit the ground running when he returns from injury. I think by the end of this season we'll end up wondering how we ever went without Gareth Barry in midfield aswell.

We've also got talent coming off the bench. Roque Santa Cruz, Craig Bellamy, Martin Petrov and please also welcome new recruit Vladmir Weiss who I am backing to be our surprise package of the season (where I think he'll start to make the break-through)

Hughes has to get this right - he can have few complains if he goes if we finish outside the top six - anyone agree? disagree? I've never seen a team consisting of so much talent and I have never seen a team of so much promise who can hopefully lead us to our first trophy in more years than I care to bloody remember!

Every year I go into a new season thinking this year we will have a good season without it really being fulfilled to the max.

Well this year I believe we could have an extra special season providing we start well and gel quickly.

Everyone except us City fans are wanting us to fail so our opposition will try even harder to prevent us from winning games.

Ignore our form in pre season

Mark Hughes is using the friendlies purely as run outs, he still hasnt shown his strongest team and will keep even us guessing until 2.00pm on 15th for his starting XI. He knows the knives will be out should we not start on fire so watch out ROVERS we are saving our scoring boots until then.
well the players we have certainly have the skill, its now about how they're organised and the mentality instilled into them that'll be the key. I think the first part of the season will be tough as I expect most if not all teams will be fired up against us just for the fact its "big spending Manchester City" they're playing. Once the side settles into the season, I think we'll shock a few people and make a real go of it. I also expect a few disapointments along the way though, we'll still lose or draw against sides you'd expect us to trounce on paper but I also think this will become more the exception than rule from this season on now. I do believe Hughes is trying to expel that mental block from the club and make the club believe in its itself again like Joe and Malcom did back in the day. You can hear it already in players interviews recently. They're buzzing about the new season and playing for an eventual european place and the domestic cups too. It was just us fans that did that for years, you rarely heard a City player mention those things.

I think if they can get a good unbeaten run together this is where the confidence and real belief will come from. The whole team focusing as one. Thats the main key for me this season. With that brings success so get ready for take off! Top 6 is realistic for City in my opinion. Which position in those final 6 places is the question! Come on City!!!
One thing I'm certain about is that it will be better than last season and the season before that. I think we'll be in contention for the top four for most of the season, like Villa were last season. A good start is essential, if we can get that we'll have a great chance, as I think we'll have another strong run in like last season. Also think we can make a real go of it in one or both of the cups, especially as we're not in Europe this season.
I see very little to be optimistic about looking at the friendlies, but hopefully that wont matter to much. So I guess my answer is no.
I think we might struggle this season (but still finish the season top 6) and then fly next season. I think so many teams will be out to do us over out of principle because we have the sheer audacity to improve our team, everyone will treat us as their cup final i think. By the following season we will be old news and the lads will have gelled and i think we could really push for the title.

I know i am probably alone here, but i'm liking what i have seen so far in pre-season. I initially was frustrated by the results, but after hours of analysing i think i have worked out what Hughes is doing...

In all the SA games and in the game today i was thinking JUST BLOODY SHOOT! I couldn't work out why they were trying to pass the ball into the net, it seemed nobody was interested in being the person that scored the goal - only the one who sets it up, we didn't do this last year and we had goals galore! But, i think Hughes wants us to start playing more "pretty" football, a la the Arse and Barca - so that we also have that weapon to use in matches (Ade is able to score 30 goals like this) and we won't get accused of playing like Bolton after we've spent so much. We have the players that have the individual flair to do these little tricks and back heels and clever passes, and it looks like this is the style we are trying to make 'click' in pre season and today shows we have so nearly got it. We already know how many goals we can score using last seasons tried and tested method (give it to Robbie!), so don't need to practice that at the minute, and then on top of this, if all else fails, stick Roque and Petrov on and send crosses into the box and he can head them in.

I think we are gonna have so many more options this season for scoring goals. Set pieces though - I think these may still escape us!
I'm quite confident we wont be involved in a relegation battle !
think we could win a cup aswell(fingers crossed)
I honestly think first few months will be up and down then as it clicks we will fly. I remember the promotion season 88-89 first four game 2 points then next four won all of them, we all know the rest! Really excited always do get excited before a season but this one I am on pins so cannot wait!!

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