Israel-Palestine Conflict

No, they chose to follow them out because they were allowed to keep their religion, were guaranteed safety, were paid for their work, were given positions according to their merit.
The alternative was stay under the Christians and convert or be put to death.
What's more, they lived in peace and security among the Arabs of the Middle East and North Africa until Mossad sent agents to frighten them into moving to Israel so they could populate their new colonialist project.
Pogroms have always been a Christian thing and not a Muslim one.
The Zionists won't tell you this because it suits their current agenda but the biggest oppressors and murderers of the Jews has have always been the European Christians and it'll happen again when the fundamentalist Christians of the United States get their ducks in a row. If you study their agenda and prophecies with any objectivity you'll see exactly what they are doing and it'll make your hair stand on end.
The Zionists really haven't done the Jewish people any favours whatsoever.

You forgot to mention the chief culprits, Chelsea fans. : )
Boils down to this

Israel - 7th Oct is an atrocity and we will eliminate Hamas

Palestinians - why are you flattening Gaza and killing us in our thousands ?

Israel - 7th Oct is an atrocity and we will eliminate Hamas

Hamas leadership - Ok we are in Qatar - we don't hide it and you know it - see you outside in the carpark?

Israel - 7th Oct is an atrocity and we will eliminate Hamas but we know better than to take on anything more than a tiny state coz we may get battered.

Remember Israel has to take every step to defend itself
Do you do actual truth on any threads round here, or stick to your pure fantasy versions ?

I see you still haven't managed to find the hate of Jews in the Koran either, or does that not suit your purpose ?

There is no general hatred of Jews in the Qur'an. They are referred to as "Ahl-al-Kitab" (meaning People of the Book). Qur'an talks about the blessings given to Bani Israel over others and the sacredness of Jerusalem. Early Muslims even prayed towards Jerusalem. It's a pillar of our faith to respect all the Jewish prophets. Qur'an even goes on the extent of "correcting" certain stories about the Jewish prophets in the Bible to show they're sinless.

The criticisms of the Jews are primarily of those who disobeyed G-d or disrespected their own prophets like
- violating the Sabbath
- worshipping the golden calf in the absence of Moses(as)
- yearning for the varieties of food in their days of slavery when G-d freed them and was providing them manna and salva
- disobeying the command of Moses(as) to fight
- taking instructions of Moses(as) for fun during the incident of investigating a murderer
- for tampering with the scripture

Most, if not all are mentioned in the Bible. These stories are narrated not to hate Jews, but to learn from the mistakes of the believers of the past as those Jews are considered the "Muslims" of that time.

The other criticisms are contextual that happened due to the events during the lifetime of Muhammad(saw), their opposition towards his teachings and the hostilities escalating around the "Battle of the Trench" when the Jews sided with the Quraysh tribes who were in war with the Muslims.
There is no general hatred of Jews in the Qur'an. They are referred to as "Ahl-al-Kitab" (meaning People of the Book). Qur'an talks about the blessings given to Bani Israel over others and the sacredness of Jerusalem. Early Muslims even prayed towards Jerusalem. It's a pillar of our faith to respect all the Jewish prophets. Qur'an even goes on the extent of "correcting" certain stories about the Jewish prophets in the Bible to show they're sinless.

The criticisms of the Jews are primarily of those who disobeyed G-d or disrespected their own prophets like
- violating the Sabbath
- worshipping the golden calf in the absence of Moses(as)
- yearning for the varieties of food in their days of slavery when G-d freed them and was providing them manna and salva
- disobeying the command of Moses(as) to fight
- taking instructions of Moses(as) for fun during the incident of investigating a murderer
- for tampering with the scripture

Most, if not all are mentioned in the Bible. These stories are narrated not to hate Jews, but to learn from the mistakes of the believers of the past as those Jews are considered the "Muslims" of that time.

The other criticisms are contextual that happened due to the events during the lifetime of Muhammad(saw), their opposition towards his teachings and the hostilities escalating around the "Battle of the Trench" when the Jews sided with the Quraysh tribes who were in war with the Muslims.

There is no general hatred of Jews in the Qur'an. They are referred to as "Ahl-al-Kitab" (meaning People of the Book). Qur'an talks about the blessings given to Bani Israel over others and the sacredness of Jerusalem. Early Muslims even prayed towards Jerusalem. It's a pillar of our faith to respect all the Jewish prophets. Qur'an even goes on the extent of "correcting" certain stories about the Jewish prophets in the Bible to show they're sinless.

The criticisms of the Jews are primarily of those who disobeyed G-d or disrespected their own prophets like
- violating the Sabbath
- worshipping the golden calf in the absence of Moses(as)
- yearning for the varieties of food in their days of slavery when G-d freed them and was providing them manna and salva
- disobeying the command of Moses(as) to fight
- taking instructions of Moses(as) for fun during the incident of investigating a murderer
- for tampering with the scripture

Most, if not all are mentioned in the Bible. These stories are narrated not to hate Jews, but to learn from the mistakes of the believers of the past as those Jews are considered the "Muslims" of that time.

The other criticisms are contextual that happened due to the events during the lifetime of Muhammad(saw), their opposition towards his teachings and the hostilities escalating around the "Battle of the Trench" when the Jews sided with the Quraysh tribes who were in war with the Muslims.
True, it’s not just specifically Jewish people. There seems to be a general condemnation and dislike for anyone that is not Muslim in Islam….all Abrahamic faith for that matter…
True, it’s not just specifically Jewish people. There seems to be a general condemnation and dislike for anyone that is not Muslim in Islam….all Abrahamic faith for that matter…
My point was that Qur'an talks about both the good and the bad Jewish people.

Qur'an 3:113-114
"Yet all are not alike: among the People of the Book (Jews, Christians, ..) there are upright people who recite the messages of G-d in the watches of the night and prostrate themselves in worship. They believe in G-d and in the Last Day and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and race to excel each other in doing good. These are among the righteous."
My point was that Qur'an talks about both the good and the bad Jewish people.

Qur'an 3:113-114
"Yet all are not alike: among the People of the Book (Jews, Christians, ..) there are upright people who recite the messages of G-d in the watches of the night and prostrate themselves in worship. They believe in G-d and in the Last Day and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and race to excel each other in doing good. These are among the righteous."
And my point was that all Abrahamic faiths find a justification in their books to call most groups of people bad…
My point was that Qur'an talks about both the good and the bad Jewish people.

Qur'an 3:113-114
"Yet all are not alike: among the People of the Book (Jews, Christians, ..) there are upright people who recite the messages of G-d in the watches of the night and prostrate themselves in worship. They believe in G-d and in the Last Day and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and race to excel each other in doing good. These are among the righteous."
Oh look, another koran washer !

Plenty of passages in there, they are still quoted, still used, and you know it !

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