Israel-Palestine Conflict

Richard Boyd Barrett is a member of the People before Profit party in the Irish parliament.

Whereas I wouldn’t purport to agree with everything he says or believes in, he does give a pretty good description of why Palestine gets recognition and empathy in Ireland and basically covers a lot of things I have said myself in here and over numerous political threads.

I’ll drop it here and see if it gets any recognition of the history firstly and secondly if it gets any agreement of conclusions drawn.
I think it should not be missing that lots of the innocent civilians are killed by the ideologues. So it's not so straight forward.

There in lies the problem, unlike Palestine where there is a ready made excuse, in Iraq and Syria there isn't one. There's simply the ideologue seeking a theocracy. How do you solve the underlying problem with that? There are people who hell bent on having a religious Caliphate and they don't answer to human Authority.

The enemies position here is that we want a Theocratic Caliphate, with or against the will of the people.

Let's leave a solution to IS for another debate. This is about Israel and Palestine, but I will say this. What do we see in common with Iraq, Syria and Palestine? I'll throw in Afghanistan for good measure.

Tbf, he has a point. The Palestinians did elect Hamas, they say they support them when they commit atrocities and they haven't taken any steps to get rid of them.

We should embrace this, and expand it to other areas. Trump and his attempt to overturn the election, for example. When he goes to jail, all those who helped elect him, who supported him in his attempt at insurrection, or didn't make any attempt to stop him should also go to jail. Or better still, lock them all in a building and drop a bomb on it.

The ****.

And people say it's just the Palestinians that are the problem.
Tbf, he has a point. The Palestinians did elect Hamas, they say they support them when they commit atrocities and they haven't taken any steps to get rid of them.

We should embrace this, and expand it to other areas. Trump and his attempt to overturn the election, for example. When he goes to jail, all those who helped elect him, who supported him in his attempt at insurrection, or didn't make any attempt to stop him should also go to jail. Or better still, lock them all in a building and drop a bomb on it.

The ****.
Good idea. And most of those people are actually still alive.

Just for the record and to address moronic arguments like the one made by the **** in the video, Hamas were elected in 2006 by 44% of the population (41% who went for the more secular Fatah). The voting age is 18, meaning that only people currently over the age of 35 could have voted. The turnout was 75%. The current average age of the country is 19. In Gaza itself, it's 18. So the people who we can unequivocally state supported Hamas were 44% of 75% of however many of the population are over 35 (which is well below half). And that's all assuming that they didn't change their mind in 17 years.

People also act like living in poverty under a now unelected militia/terrorist group are any sort of conditions for overthrowing them. It's easy to sit in your comfortable, air-conditioned living room in a peaceful country and come out with shit like "Why don't they just overthrow them." You know that people like Brian Mast would be the first on a plane to a safe country if there was any sort of violent uprising in his country (assuming he and his friends weren't instigating it, which is a big assumption, to be fair).

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