Israel-Palestine Conflict

A lot of young Israeli soldiers seem to be getting killed too. It’s sad for these soldiers who are doing what their Government expects of them. Most of their lives were in front of them. Shocking on all sides.

Indeed. If any premonition, the young soldiers should consider opinions of former IDFs who have made clarity on the fog of war intentionally made to stymie and coerce young soldiers of false dawns.

If there's anyone sinking Israeli boats it won't be us doing it, and we won't be sending any humanitarian support vessels for the Palestinians anyway, although we'd send them for the Israelis along with a naval task force if things started to escalate.
We are complicit by commission and omission in the oppression of the Palestinians for decades.
The fact that the Israelis have never been serious about a two state solution is precisely because they have had the unconditional material, financial, diplomatic and political support of the West.
There is absolutely no pressure on the Israelis to act in a lawful or humanitarian way, in fact we are again justifying the slaughter of innocents because it is the Israelis who are doing the slaughtering.
How our policy makers think that this situation where the Israelis are right whatever they choose to say or do is sustainable, I'll never know.
All they have done is stoked up a conflict that will at some point ignite with unimaginable consequences
TOTALLY agree with you mate.
If there's anyone sinking Israeli boats it won't be us doing it, and we won't be sending any humanitarian support vessels for the Palestinians anyway, although we'd send them for the Israelis along with a naval task force if things started to escalate.
We are complicit by commission and omission in the oppression of the Palestinians for decades.
The fact that the Israelis have never been serious about a two state solution is precisely because they have had the unconditional material, financial, diplomatic and political support of the West.
There is absolutely no pressure on the Israelis to act in a lawful or humanitarian way, in fact we are again justifying the slaughter of innocents because it is the Israelis who are doing the slaughtering.
How our policy makers think that this situation where the Israelis are right whatever they choose to say or do is sustainable, I'll never know.
All they have done is stoked up a conflict that will at some point ignite with unimaginable consequences

I’ll not be shocked if the carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will be en-route shortly and will be on a tour of there for a while. A couple of days ago she made a surprise recall back to Portsmouth for “a logistics stop and short period of maintenance.”
Somewhat hyperbolic considering the last 100 years includes the 1930s.
It also ignores the fact that many Jews outside of Israel are horrified at what is going on, people don’t tend to understand that the Jewish world is not some mass movement that speaks as one, in fact it’s quite the opposite, the old joke two Jews three arguments, (who can forget about the last two Jews in Afghanistan who fell out and never spoke to each other) but that diversity of opinions is it’s strength
I’ll not be shocked if the carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will be en-route shortly and will be on a tour of there for a while. A couple of days ago she made a surprise recall back to Portsmouth for “a logistics stop and short period of maintenance.”
To be fair the ship does have some mechanical issues
To be fair the ship does have some mechanical issues
Both the QE and Prince Charles do. Mainly around the propeller shafts and tramsmission units (supper duper gear boxes). Shocking reliability issues by all accounts.
Guess what? As per all UK gov contracts, they chose the cheapest price and wanted it custom built. Off the shelf units built for massive cruise ships would have been by far the better choice.
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For fucks sake there are some snowflakes in this world - most of whom fling the word snowflake about as an insult with gay abandon. This is an XMAS ad - work probably began writing the plot and script just after last XMAS. It will have been cast in spring/early summer and like all the best XMAS anthems probably shot in the height of summer. It may well have been shot before the plans for the 7th Oct attacks had been drawn up. M&S should just tell the moaning minnies to fuck off - they don't get to dictate everyone else's XMAS

God, imagine a Christmas advert featuring the colours red, white and green. What were they thinking?

Agreed. One of the most irritating things in the modern world is companies just bending over on shite like this (but digging their heels in on anything that actually causes harm, like using slave labour or fucking the planet).
Somewhat hyperbolic considering the last 100 years includes the 1930s.
The Holocaust was not caused by the Jews. Anti semitism existed in most European countries, through no fault of their own. Having a foreigner to blame has always been the easy route for governments the world over.

CB is saying that any antisemitism that arises now is being fuelled by Israel itself.

I've always had sympathy for the Palestinians because I knew the way they have been treated since 48 is wrong. The majority of people in the UK don't have a dog in the fight but what they are seeing now will not endear them to the state of Israel.

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