Israel-Palestine Conflict

Let's leave a solution to IS for another debate. This is about Israel and Palestine, but I will say this. What do we see in common with Iraq, Syria and Palestine? I'll throw in Afghanistan for good measure.
They have a lot of things in common than just interference with the West. And that region has been in conflict long before there was even a West. Let's not be so arrogant to think we are that important.
The Zionist mentality in a nutshell, does this sound like the words of the “good guys”?

They have hate for those who they view as their attackers. This is not surprising. You'd find similar sentiments all over Gaza, Jerusalem and the greater Arab and Muslim world.
He is a member of Otzma Yehudit a far right party that is propping up the current government, people need to stop quoting extremist of both sides, they have extreme opinions they are not the barometer of normal opinions, would people quote members of Britain's First and present it as the opinion of the average British citizen ?

True but he’s a member of their parliament, he’s not supposed to be a fucking terrorist but he’s certainly speaking and acting like one the genocidal ****.
I f

I find your first two sentences absolutely shocking if true.
Is that truly happening in modern Britain?
It was fairly standard for many golf clubs not to admit Jews in the early to mid part of the 20th century which is why there’s still quite a few golf clubs today that were set up by Jews who couldn’t get into the established ones. It’s not happening in modern Britain.
I f

I find your first two sentences absolutely shocking if true.
Is that truly happening in modern Britain?
Not in modern Britain, but back in the day.

There is still antisemitism though. Lots of it. Jewish graves being desecrated, for one example. Not long ago one of the local synagogues had to have very high fencing installed. There is a reason why the Jewish community has a Community Security Trust (CST).
It was fairly standard for many golf clubs not to admit Jews in the early to mid part of the 20th century which is why there’s still quite a few golf clubs today that were set up by Jews who couldn’t get into the established ones. It’s not happening in modern Britain.
I sincerely hope not.
Only just got rid of these;


I’m joking. Relax everyone.
Where are people like the sadly departed Gerald Kaufman when we most need them?

Essential viewing in my opinion if only to bring some context and balance into the public discourse on what seems to be an insoluble problem. As relevant now as it was then; if not more so.

True but he’s a member of their parliament, he’s not supposed to be a fucking terrorist but he’s certainly speaking and acting like one the genocidal ****.
Yes he is, and he symbolises everything that has gone wrong with politics in Israel and general warning against the PR system it mean’s nasty parties can punch well above their electoral weight

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